the chewing gum fic part one

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Dan was hungry, he hadn't eaten in a week. Phil had ate all the food that was in their apartment. Then dan remembered that he had a packet of chewing gum under his wardrope. He reached down and got it. He took out two of the mint flavored chewing gum and popped them in his mouth. They tasted a bit odd dan thought to himself. Oh well. Dan kept chewing until he saw thhe expiration date it read 22nd of March, 2013. That meant the chewing gum was gone off for more that four years. Dan was in shock. He tried to spit it out but instead he swallowed it. He started to cough and choke then dan collapsed and fell on the floor.

Phil heard the racket coming from Dan's bedroom "ahh he probably just dropped something" phil mumbled to himself while stuffing his face with ceareal . You see the two  boys had gotten into an argument about a week ago over who would go to tesco to buy food Dan threw his my chemical romance cd collection at Phil and Phil stole all the food that they had and took them into his room. Anyway back to Phil.

Phil didn't here any moving coming from Dan's room so he decided to check on him. " DAN OHMERGEESUSCHRISTWHATTHEFUCKHAPPEND??1?2?3?" Phil asked rather loudly then phil called the ambulance " hello what is ur emergency?" The 999 lady asked kindly "MY BEST FRIEND IS NEAR DEAD ON THE FLOOR" "ok we'll be right over " "OK".

5 seconds later phil heard knocking at the apartments door. He went and answered it "are u phil" " yup" phil replied to the ambulance man " k where's ur friend?" "In here" phil replied while leading them into Dan's bedroom.

Then the ambulance people carried Dan into the ambulance and drove off "wut about me ???22??2219??" Phil shouted into the distance. Since the ambulance forgot Phil he had to call a taxi.

After a few minutes the taxi arrived " hello where do ya wan to go?" The taxi man whose shirt said 'Mikey fuckin way' asked " um to the Hospital" " ok"   and they set of
"Noice shirt" "lol thx" the taxi man said.

A few minutes later they arrived at the hospital "here we are now that'll be 5 pound please" Phil handed the five pound note to the taxi man and walked into the hospital.

Phil didnt know where he was going so he went up to the front desk. "Hello how may I help you?" The woman whos name tag read Sandra asked "Um I'm looking for my friend Dan, Dan Howell" "Ok he's in room 420" Sandra said. Phil thanked her and head off.

Where the fuck is room 420? Phil thought. Then Phil tripped of the air and when he got up he found himself right outside of room 420. "ahh perfect" he thought.

Phil entered the room and saw Dr. Gerard Way standing there "OMg UR GeRArd WAy SIGn mY FaCE PLz" Phil said "okie dokie" Dr gee said while reaching for a pen. On Phil's face gerard signed his name and a very important quote 'This shit is easy peasy pumpkin peasy pumpkin pie motherfuckers'

"Anyway about Dan , well he kinda ... died" Dr gee said sadly "WHAT NO DAN CANT BE DEAD HES ONLY 26 HES FAR TOO YOUNG TOO DIE" phil screamed at Dr gerard  (A/N If you get that refrance I love you:D) "Sorry phil" gee said with a sad look on his face.

To be continued...

A/N thanks for reading and please remember to vote :)))) k bye ^_^

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