Chapter 32: The pre-trial

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I look at myself in the mirror and smooth my navy blue dress down. I'm not sure if this is appropriate attire for court. My dress was tight and shaped every curve on my body. My long dark hair was perfectly curled and falling over my shoulders. The navy blue dress made my blue eyes pop. I grabbed the brown leather jacket from the chair next to me and threw it on. It helped me feel better. Isolated. Calm. Since I woke up I had felt like I was going to puke with every move. Today was the day I would see him again. Today I have to decide if I'm able to double cross the man that I love. My phone rang awakening me from my daze.

Unknown number. Could it be Max? "Hello?"

"Wow. Miss Royce. Who knew you would be so famous?" I recognized the hoarse voice immediately, Elijah Dexington. "You and lover boy's face is plastered over every TV screen. Such a romantic tragedy."

I could barely choke out the words. Why is he calling me? "What do you want, Elijah?"

"I seen on the news that lover boy's trial is today. Who knew you and your family could cause so much drama? My father would've never agreed to meet with them had we known how much ties with the feds you would eventually have. Careless as always."

I again repeat my question getting impatient, "What do you want, Elijah?"

"Simple. My father has decided to extend his hand to your clan. After watching the disaster of a meeting that went down with the Diavoli and Perros, we've decided maybe interfering and having the upper hand isn't so bad. My father is willing to give a one time offer in exchange for your silence."

I take a deep breath. Now all of a sudden they want to help? Something doesn't sit right. I don't like the direction this conversation is headed. "Meaning?"

"Who knows how much you will talk today and expose. Father came up with a brilliant idea and given my disdain for your lover boy, I think it's brilliant. Father asks that you testify against Tony Morati, in exchange for permanent partnership between the Ombra Scuras and the Diavoli Forti. You will not expose any other details of your trip and this conversation."

I feel my face get hot, "I wasn't planning on discussing anything about my trip or the people I've met anyway. Why the hell would you even think I'd do anything for you? After you were cowards and refused to help us?"

Elijah chuckles on the other end of the phone, "I think Ombra Scuras have proven how easy it is for us to cross you and just how much power we can truly have." It suddenly hit me. The night Kevin Weyland was questioning me and saying they received an anonymous tip off. It was the Ombra Scuras. They double crossed us. "Both the Diavoli Forti and the Rojo Perros are wounded and need to accept help when it's offered. Should you deny our request, Father will simply offer help to the team willing to play. Who knows what the consequences of your actions will be and how weak your family will become compared to the Ombra Scuras and Rojo Perros. Not to mention I have people on the inside who can make Tony's rot behind bars quite interesting."

I was speechless. Angry. They are the reason Tony is in there. They are the reason members of the crew are dead. I have to tell my father.

"Well, it appears you have 3 hours to figure it out. Goodbye, beautiful."

The phone hangs up and I just stand there in shock as I clench the phone in my fist. I refuse to let them turn this into a game of chess for them. I needed my father. If I didn't testify against Tony this could mean worse things for the Diavoli in the future. This could make things worse for Tony. Who knows what the people inside will do to him. How can I testify against the man I love? No matter the things he said, I know he loves me too. I know it. I hear a knock at the door and run to answer it. I open the door and see Leon and Rachel dressed up. My heart sunk a bit thinking it may have been Max or JR. I really wanted to hear from them before my trial started. I needed a clearer head going in this.

"Are you ready to go? The lawyer wants to meet with us before trial starts." Leon radiated stress on his face. The poor guy looked like he hadn't slept the night before.

I grab my purse and keys off the counter and reluctantly head out the door. I hop into Leon and Rachel's car and watch as all the trees and buildings pass by. My mind was racing between so many things. I was torn. Torn between doing what's best for everyone, and doing what will have less damage on my heart. Rachel looked in the rear view mirror and could see the worry written on my face.

"No matter what happens today, we love you McKenna. We support you in anything."

We pull up to the front of the courthouse. The entrance stairs leading to the door were covered in reporters. The moment I stepped foot out of the car they were in my face.

"McKenna, how are you adjusting since being rescued and brought home to your family?"
"Ms. Royce, will you testify against Tony Morati?"
"McKenna, how do you feel about seeing your capturer in person today?"

I feel a hand on my back pushing me through the crowds. I look back to see my lawyer, Rebecca Stahns. I had only seen her maybe twice. She was an older lady with short, blonde hair and wrinkles. She wore way too bright red of a lipstick. She pushes through the crowd and yells at the reporters. "Ms. Royce will not be answering any of you dirty vultures' questions!" We finally make it to the door of the courthouse. Police officers are blocking the entrance to not allow any reporters in until trial begins.

"Follow me, I asked for a room for us to meet in before trial to discuss the plan." Rebecca motions us to follow her. I kind of felt bad sending her into this with very little credibility of any information. I told her as little as possible. Basically, the same thing I told the police. We had several meetings and each time she grew increasingly frustrated when I didn't give her any information to go on. I told her I wasn't even sure I wanted to press charges against Tony. That I wouldn't know until the day of. We round the corner and I see a familiar face drinking from the water fountain. Kevin Weyland. I wave the others on as they walk into a room off to the left, "I'll be there in a minute." I walk up to Kevin who sees me and stands up straight. He wipes the water from his perfectly rose colored, plump lips.

"Okay, you're not doing a very good job convincing that you're not stalking me."

He chuckles, "Hello to you too, McKenna. Actually, I'm a detective on this case I have to make an appearance here today."

I instantly felt embarrassed thinking he showed up to follow me around. Duh. Of course he's the detective on this case and needs to be here, "Oh, right.."

He smiles a warm smile at me. I feel my face blush a bit. "Although, I'm also here in moral support of you." I smile back at him and catch myself staring at him in silence for way too long.

"Right, well I need to go meet with my lawyer before trial starts." I start to back away and accidentally back into a plant behind me. I casually try to swat it away and hurriedly turn around and rush into the meeting room. Behind me, I could here Kevin's warm laughter. I sit down at the table and just stare at it. Leon puts his hand on my shoulder, "Are you alright?" I nod. So many things are circulating through my head. The phone call with Elijah. The Diavoli Forti. Max. Leon and Rachel. JR. Most importantly, Tony.

"So, I figured we could discuss your final decision so we are not walking into the court room blindly on different understandings. Also, so we'll know if we'll be dismissed or have to stay for the rest of the trial." Rebecca sits up straight with the most serious look on her face now, "As your lawyer I need to know, are you or are you not going to testify against Tony Morati?"

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