Chapter 42: Graduation Day

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After the events with Elijah I spent most of that remaining day with my father. I told JR about how Elijah admitted to me that they were the ones who tipped the police that night. The night we lost men, money, and Tony. JR was proud of me. I had never seen that man so happy. He was proud that I took a stand and embraced the meaning of family. Of course I received a lecture about doing it alone, but nonetheless he was proud. Max, only was concerned about me. I guess he thought I was on some kind of mental breakdown. Was I? Probably. At this point, the old McKenna was dead. I have embraced the life that my uncle ran away from, that I was afraid of. We were expecting a blow back from the Ombra Scuras. Nothing. It was silent. We knew only time would tell if I truly silenced them or powered their rage and awaiting their attack.
Days turned to months. Months turned to years. I spent my time studying and working. Some days I spent with the guys doing things. Every now and then I met Weyland for coffee.
Before I knew it I was waking up and getting dressed for my graduation. I grabbed the beautiful white sequin short slit dress that JR had bought me. I straightened my hair and did my makeup. I looked at the girl staring back at me in the mirror. Although, she looked different. Not a girl anymore, a woman. She was no longer fragile but strong. Naive was filled with determination. I successfully earned my degree in business, embraced my family name, and started earning a life for myself. I threw on my white heels to match and started to walk out of the bathroom. I almost have a heart attack seeing a figure standing in front of me.
"Damn it, Max! Make a noise."
"You are one of the jumpiest people I have ever met." He chuckles.
I look at him annoyed, "I'm sorry, I didn't know we worked with butterflies in this family and not criminals."
He laughs and sticks his arm out for me, "I did knock by the way. You look lovely, McKenna. Shall we?"
I wrap my arm around his and we walk outside to the car. I slide in and see it's just me and Max.
"Where's JR?"
"He's coming! He had to finish the last few details on your graduation present."
I lit up. He was finally going to get to be there for me. "A graduation present?"
Max puts his finger to his lips, "Shh, enjoy the ride."
I laugh and lay my head on his shoulder. We reach the grand theater downtown where graduation is being held. I give Max a kiss on the cheek and depart as I head to get in line for the ceremony. I wish Tony could be here for this. Sometimes I wonder if he was still alive and hadn't been caught, if I would've even went through with college and graduating. If I would have ever gone back home. I sit around and wait for the ceremony to start with the other students. I reminisce on the last few years and how much things have changed.

"I wish I had this body." I go through the boys' magazines while sitting on the couch in the hangout. Tony and Jonathan are tinkering with one of the cars. Jonathan walks behind me and rests his chin on my shoulder looking at the naked model.
"You don't need to wish for that body. Just looking at you, I'm almost positive you're just as hot naked." I laugh and pop him on his forehead with the magazine. All of sudden he flies over me and the couch. Tony had tackled  him on to the ground. All I hear is Tony's deep laugh. It was cute hearing him laugh. It wasn't very often you see the playful side of him. They sit there wrestling each other before the other guys walk in and all decide to dog pile on top. I sit there on the couch laughing until I'm in tears.

"You ready to line up?" One of the other girls taps my shoulder waking me out of my daze and motions me to the line starting to form. We each get in the order by last name and await our turn. Everything in my life had led me up to this moment. I was so excited for another chapter. What happens after this? Do I go for my masters? Do I stay with the Diavoli Forti full time? So many questions. I hear my name called and I steadily walk out on stage. As I walk toward the Dean and directors to receive my diploma, I see my family. Both sets of family. I see Leon, Rachel, and Grandma Ruby towards the front row. Leon was cheering, Rachel and Grandma Ruby were crying. About 5 rows back I see my Diavoli Forti family. They're standing up hollering and cheering. They are all graced with matching T-shirt's that have "McKenna Royce's family" plastered in big letters, that Max must have hid under his coat. I bust out laughing. JR is standing with them. Not cheering and hollering but crying. I see him have the biggest smile on his face, clapping as tears stroll down his face. I've never felt so proud.

Once the ceremony concludes I rush down to see everyone. I run to hug Leon and Rachel. Grandma Ruby kisses me on my head and cries.
"I'm so proud of you McKenna." Leon wraps his arms around me and holds me tight.
"There's our girl!" I hear the guys walking up. I run to hug them as they all group hug around me. I look back to see the awkward faces come across Leon, Rachel and Grandma Ruby's face. Who knows how long it has been since they've all been face to face.
"Hello mom, brother." JR extends his hand out for a shake. Everyone hesitates before making a move. Grandma Ruby is the first to break, "Hello, my son." She pushes JR's hand down and hugs him. Leon steps forward and shakes his hand, "Brother. I'm glad you could come today." A small smile is on his face. Not an enthusiastic one but at least he's trying. Rachel runs up and hugs JR nearly knocking him over, "I'm Rachel, Leon's wife!" JR hugs her back as they all laugh, "It's so nice to meet you."

"Well we're gonna go. We have preparations for your graduation dinner tonight to do. You are more than welcome to come." Leon smiles at JR, but avoids the extension to the others. I suck in a breath awaiting his response. Maybe this could be the start of a healing process for everyone. "I appreciate that brother but we have some business to attend to tonight. Maybe another time." He smiles and they all give their last goodbyes. I hug them bye and tell them I'll see them later tonight. I turn back around to face the boys. They all look silly. "I'm so lucky to have been able to watch you walk that stage. I missed out on so much." I hug JR and whisper something I never thought I would, "I love you."
The guys all pat me on the back and say see you later and leave us to talk alone.

"I have something important for you."

"Okay? What's that?" I ask confused.

"I made an investment and bought a building. I'm starting a company. Royce Enterprise and Productions. It will be strictly what we do best. To the public it will be dealing with business such as marketing off industrial machines such as helicopters, jets, investments, etc. Other private dealings such as our normal Diavoli Forti business, drugs, trading, weaponry. It's large enough to have as many storage and stock warehouses, offices, hangars, hangouts, meeting rooms, garages as you want. The upper half is fully equipped penthouses ready for live in for every Diavoli member and family. We will be selling the mansion. Now, we understand it won't be as private anymore to our rivaling foes but we are a force to be reckoned with. They have all learned that by your act against the Ombra Scuras. They fear us now. We will be titans of industry and business."
I hug him. "That's amazing. I'm so happy for you guys."
He smiles and grabs my hands, "Us. Be happy for us." I look at him confused. Us? He couldn't be suggesting what I'm thinking.
"I want you to run REP with me. You have your degree in business. You're the rightful heir. I want to work alongside my daughter in the family business. You will run the more public side and I will still be running the Diavoli Forti/ private side and head over everything, but you will be making the decisions with me. Partners. Now, I still want you to go back to school and work on your masters. They are almost complete with the construction work. That's what I was checking on today. What do you say? Embrace you're future with this family."
My eyes fill with tears. Me. A business titan. Almost 26 years old and running my own business. I stick my hand out to JR for a handshake, "Partners."
We hug and say our goodbyes. I start to head back to the car where Max is waiting for me. I bump into a familiar face as I'm making my way.
"Well hello, Kevin Weyland. Come to watch me?"
He smiles, "As a matter of fact, I did. Congratulations." Weyland and I have had quite a few coffee dates over the past few years but nothing serious or official. Did I like him? Yes. Did I enjoy spending time with him? Yes. Was I ready to dive into a serious relationship with someone? Who knows. It was hard to stay away from him though.
"I have to say I've enjoyed being apart of your journey. I'm proud of you."
I smile and my eyes meet his. His grey eyes were so deep I could just swim in them. Before I know it I'm reacting before I think and my lips meet his. It was a soft kiss. Gentle. His hands caress my face and I feel him smile. I pull away and just stare at him in disbelief that I did that.
"Um, my ride is waiting on me. I have to go but my family is having a party for me tonight. I would love if you could come and meet them in a different way than the first time."
He laughs and tucks a piece of my hair gently behind my ear, "I would love to."
"See you at 7! I'll text you the address!" I start to walk away almost tripping over my own feet in nervousness. He laughs and turns to walk away too. I could feel my cheeks were red and my smile was so big across my face all the way to the car.

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