In Which Jyn and Cassian Meet at a Party

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AN: This is Smut. Do not read if you are uncomfortable

Cassian almost doesn't make it to the party that night and wouldn't it be a shame if he didn't.

He is greeted by Han Solo, the party-thrower, and a very drunk Leia Organa. She is rambling about how much better than him she is, that she loves him and that she can handle her liquor. Han pauses in the middle of their greeting when he hears 'I love you' fly from his friend's mouth. Cassian removes himself from the situation–it isn't his business.

People talk loudly all over the messy home. Laughs ring out through the loud music and smiles shine through the pink and blue hues.

It's fast and slow all at the same time; bright and dim; beautiful and ugly. Cassian likes it that way. He is removed from the bustle, standing silently on the sides and watching people share stories of the greatest moments in their lives and the worst ones.

The dance floor is in the living room where people sing and dance without a care. A woman sitting down on the floor catches his eye as he turns to survey where people are taking shots in the kitchen. He turns back and sees her staring. He decides to join the small group.

They cheer for him as he slams the shot glass face-down on the table. His opponent starts cursing him out for cheating and decides to crawl over the counter to him. They jump on him, their hands out to try and choke him but a fist to the throat stops them from continuing their assault.

More cheers erupt for him. He doesn't pay attention to them and makes his way to the living room.

Bright pink hair whips across his face as a new song comes on. It's slower than the rest and people take that as their time to get drinks and snacks. He recognizes the beginning but cannot place where he's heard it before

[Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night

And wouldn't you love to love her?]

Fleetwood Mac. He knows this song.

The floor is finally clear and only one person is left dancing to the song. She moves with grace and Cassian is mesmerized.

[Takes to the sky like a bird in flight

And who will be her lover?]

He remembers her from the floor, staring into his soul. Her eyes are closed in calmness and contentedness but an easy smile does not grace her face. Instead, her mouth is open, whispering the words.

[All your life you've never seen a woman 

Taken by the wind]

He feels himself moving closer to her, dancing as slowly as she does. The way she moves reminds him of water. His movements reflect her own. 

Would you stay if she promised to you heaven?

Will you ever win?]

She opens her eyes to see him dancing beside her and gets closer to him. Their chests are almost touching. Cassian hears her breath hitch as she moves a hand up his shoulder and to his neck. His hands settle around her waist, careful not to touch anything below the small of her back.

"She is like a cat in the dark

And then she is the darkness

She rules her life like a fine skylark

And when the sky is starless," she whispers against him.

He suppresses his groan but throws his head back as her lips meet his neck, smiling, and the song continues.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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