In Which Jyn and Cassian Adopt a Bunch of Orphans

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The smell of mud wafted through the tiny window near the ceiling. Cassian peered through the crack seeing the gray sky and wet rocks. He turned back to his hands, calloused and hard.

He and Jyn had fled to Lah'mu, where she was raised. The war had taken its toll on both of them, making life as a soldier nearly impossible. The blast had left both of them unable to keep up with other soldiers of the rebellion.

Leia had ordered them out of the fighting so they didn't hurt themselves. Jyn of course put up resistance but eventually agreed that she was the one to take care of Cassian since he was beaten up more than her.

Jyn came out of the bedroom and went for the kitchen.

"Y'know," Cassian started. "Sometimes I gotta remind myself that I'm still part of the rebellion. That I'm not useless."

"It's a big change from being a spy," Jyn commented, filling up a bowl of oats and bringing it to the table.

"Maybe we're not really doing anything for them and they're just tricking us to get out of the way."

"I doubt it. Draven would have told me directly because he dislikes me so much."

"He didn't trust you at first, but now I think he does." Jyn scoffed and took a bite of her oats.

"Yeah right."

Cassian turned and walked to sit across from Jyn, a slight limp in his step. He took a bite from her bowl delighting in it as she told him to get his own.

"But Jyn," he protested. "I'm hurt. Don't you have to take care of me?"

"You were just standing up Cassian." She moved her bowl closer to herself. "Besides, it'll build up more of your muscle."

Cassian huffed and picked his body up to go to the kitchen.

The sound of a ship flying overhead sliced through the air. Jyn got out of her chair calmly and opened the door. A U-Wing sat in the mud several yards away.

"I'll be right back," Jyn called to Cassian. He gave a little wave and went back to mixing his oats.

The doors of the U-Wing opened, letting about 10 people out who all stood awkwardly. Jyn jogged over as the pilot was getting out. 

"Hello Calum," Jyn greeted. "It's been a while."

"Indeed it has Jyn. Mighty nice to see you again." He took off his helmet revealing his gray hair.

"So what's the dropoff?"

"These are refugees." Jyn took a look at each of them. They were all children. Her heart clenched.

"Where are their parents?"

"Dead or working in the rebellion. Mon Mothma thought they could be a help to you and Cassian here on the farm."

"They certainly will, it's been a little tough doing farm work."

"Well I can't stay long lest the empire figure anything out, but someone will be back for a check-in to see how everybody's doing." He put his helmet back on and gave a small wave.

Jyn urged the kids to back up so he could leave and watched him fly off through the atmosphere. She led them through the field and to the small house where Cassian was eating at the table.

"This is Cassian, he was a spy but now he helps on the farm." Cassian looked confused at the kids.

"You were a spy?" a little Twi'lek girl asked excitedly. Cassian put down his spoon, looking at Jyn for answers but she turned to prepare more food for the newcomers.

"Uh, yes. Yes, I was."

"What happened then?" a boy about 10 years old asked.

"My body stopped working the way it should."

"Why?" an 8-year-old boy asked.

"Things happened."

"Like what?" 

"I don't have to answer that," Cassian said.

Jyn turned back with two bowls in her hands.

"Why don't you introduce yourselves?" she suggested, putting the bowls down. The children eyed them hungrily but the little 8-year-old sat down and dug in.

"I'm Jay," the little boy said between mouthfuls. The little girl sat down in front of the other bowl and took a small bite.

"I'm Yaye," she said. Her skin was a light purple and she moved her lekkus around to get them out of her food.

Jyn put more food out on the table and more children picked them up and introduced themselves.

Cassian and Jyn had to get used to not being the only ones on the farm. They only had two bedrooms, making some of the kids have to sleep with them. Cassian enjoyed it more than he cared to admit.

The children were taught how to use the machines and plant and harvest, making Jyn and Cassians work much easier. Cassian was always followed around by Yaye because she was so interested in being a spy. He told her some of his favorite stories but made sure to include some scarier ones.

Callum came back carrying a message. He landed in mud like before and the kids flocked to his ship to see what was going on.

"Callum," Cassian greeted with Yaye clinging to his leg. "What brings you out here?"

"Just a message, I've got it memorized so don't worry. You two are like parents aren't you?"

"Hey!" Jyn called to Dehak, a tugruta boy who was climbing on top of the U-Wing. "You're going to break that. Get off."

"Yeah I guess so," Cassian said turning back to Callum. "So what's the message?"

"It's from Draven; Emperials have been searching for rebels with possible information, the planet Lah'mu is expected to be a gold mine for them. No cargo ships will be arriving for a few months. You have been ordered to stay here and pose as a couple with only two children. Do not contact the Alliance for any reason until we contact you first."

"That's real nice of them," Jyn said sarcastically, pulling Dehak off of the hull. "Hopefully they won't live out my childhood."

Callum looked to Cassian for an explanation but he shook his head.

"It's goodbye then," Cassian said. Callum nodded solemny. "Then let's say goodbye."

A chorus of goodbye's, good luck's, and thank you's rang from the children's voices. Callum nodded and waved as he climbed back into the cockpit.

The group watched the ship leave the planet with somber eyes.

"Are we alone now?" Yaye asked. Cassian looked down at her with a small tear rolling down his cheek.

"Yes we are."

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