In Which Bodhi Gets Boarded By Pirates

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Bodhi bent over the toolbox looking through it. His hair was greasy and stuck out at weird angles. The hangar was quiet with only a few other pilots working on their ships. 

Bodhi gave up on looking and sat on the ground, gulping water from his bottle. A ventilator turned on making him jump and he let out a sigh when he realized what it was. 

The grime on the cargo ship was begging to be scrubbed off so he took out a rag and wiped the mud off of it.

Luke Skywalker was walking towards Bodhi his ship.

"Hey, I was wondering if you have a co-pilot for your shipment?" he asked. Bodhi jumped slightly, not expecting him to speak at that second.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Luke apologized.

"No, it's fine, no need to apologize," Bodhi reassured. Luke rubbed his neck, waiting for Bodhi to answer his question.


"I don't have a co-pilot, no," Bodhi answered. 

"Do you want one?"

Bodhi shrugged, "I don't mind either way." Luke nodded, shifting slightly.

"I think I'll feel better knowing that you aren't alone in the middle of space." Bodhi chuckled slightly, looking down. Luke laughed lightly along with him.

"Thanks for the concern, but I-I think I'll be alright."

Luke smiled at him and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Well you know who to comm if something goes wrong," he said, handing Bodhi a piece of paper with a number on it.

"I hope it doesn't come to that," Bodhi said pocketing it. Luke gave a nod and walked off.

Bodhi went through all of his checks making sure all of the gear was intact. He sat down in the cockpit after he was sure he had all that he needed to be shipped. He touched the round lenses of his goggles on his head and felt his body relax slightly.

His ship rose into space after checking in with the tower and he shot off to his destination.

Bodhi leaned back in the chair, watching the white and blue streaks shoot past him. 

Bodhi loved and hated hyperspace. He didn't have to worry about being at the controls and could just relax but a part of him feared that something would break through the ship's trance and knock him out of balance.

He pulled out the paper that Luke had given him. The numbers were scraggly with long lines. Bodhi smiled at them delighting in the knowledge that Luke's handwriting wasn't very neat.

He put it down next to him and closed his eyes. He couldn't see, but the paper floated down from the console and onto the floor.

The ship came out of hyperspace, jolting Bodhi awake. He rubbed his eyes and squinted at the sight before him.

"Oh no, no no no no." He got his hands on the controls as fast as he could and tried turning the ship out of the view of the pirate ship. But he was too late, the ship had noticed him and was making its way over to him.

He tried re-routing the hyperspace coordinates but he felt a thunk near the back end of the ship and a hiss of air which meant they were boarding.

He hopped up from the chair and ran to the entrance where a man, most likely the Captain of the crew, stood looking through the crates full of plastoid, bacta, and blasters.

"A rebel?" the man asked Bodhi, raising his eyebrows. "What are we going to do with you?"

"We can- we can work out a deal if you like?" Bodhi suggested.

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