In Which Jyn is a Disabled Veteran

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AN: This is just a sad chapter, be warned.

Jyn sat under a tree at the base on Yavin. She held her truncheon close to her chest. She was useless with it now but it comforted her.

She was there when Luke Skywalker delivered the shot to the reactor. Everyone cheered and whooped while Jyn let her tears fall, of pride and sadness. Leia came to comfort her, she understood what it was like to lose everything, so she sunk into her arms and cried into her shoulder.

When Luke mentioned the use of the force in his daring escapade, Jyn had to leave the room. He asked her about it, but she brushed him off. "You don't get it Luke."

The white light enveloped them and Jyn closed her eyes and held tightly onto Cassian. They didn't have enough time together, they needed more time. She felt the heat on her skin and it pricked everywhere. The pain felt unreal, she couldn't find Cassian anymore. She opened her eyes, dots flashed everywhere. She touched her skin and screamed at the feel.

"CASS!" she called. "CASSI-" she broke into a fit of coughs. She felt her head spin and fell forward, landing on something crunchy.

She felt the warm bacta on her skin, as she floated around in the tank. Looking down at her arms she only saw red, like she had no skin. Once she got out she was completely disfigured, some muscles wouldn't function properly, her hair was gone, and she was covered in burn scars.

Tears fell silently down her face. Someone sat next to her.

"Y'know, I lost people too." 

"I know Luke."

"My aunt and uncle, Ben, my friends, my parents."

"You didn't even know your parents."

"Yeah, but I'd like to." Jyn turned toward him.

"Let me tell you something," she said. "It is better to not have known either of them than to watch them die. Because I saw every parental figure I had, biological or not, be killed. And I would rather never know them to witness something like that."

"But doesn't it make life sweeter?" She looked at him confused. "You have their memory and you can share their story with the galaxy."

"What do you have to remember?" Jyn asked.

"Not much, but I remember small things about my parents from aunt Beru and uncle Owen. When I was about 11, my aunt started saying that I looked like my father. Sometimes I heard them say things like 'too young' and 'idiots' about them. I always thought that was a bit rude, but it was uncle Owen, he was always judgy."

Jyn nodded and more tears formed in her eyes.

"When I was young, my mother used to braid my hair in two braids. I haven't worn them since she died."

Luke looked at her patchy hair. "When it gets long enough I can braid it for you."


"Yeah! Leia's been teaching me how on Chewie." Jyn cracked a small smile, Chewie had lifted her spirits on plenty of occasions.

Luke's comm buzzed. He picked it up. A couple of words such as, 'Luke', 'here' and 'now' were heard.

"Sorry," he said standing up. "Leia needs me now. See ya!" He jogged off to the base.

Jyn stared down at the crystal her mother gave her.

Mama falling in the grass.

She held in her hand to get a better look at it.

"I will run no longer"

She ran her fingers over the areas that were once rigid but now smooth with years of worrying.

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