In Which Jyn and Cassian Help Set a Persons Leg Back

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Cassian closed his eyes and held Jyn to his chest. The floor was cold but he could get through it. Jyn's head rested on his collar bone and he turned his head and kissed her forehead.

The pilot looked back at them. They had been rescued by a ship searching for estranged soldiers and made it off the planet with a couple of others. Some of them were part of the original ragtag team while some came with the second wave.

Some were barely clinging to life, their friends trying desperately to fix them up. Others were passed out like Jyn, not bothering with injuries.

One of the pilots sitting on the floor glared at Cassian. His orange jumper was burnt and torn.

"Where's your droid friend?" he sneered. Cassian turned his head to look at him in the eye.

"Gone," he answered plainly.

"I hope you got what you were supposed to retrieve because half of my squadron's dead."

"Well you're not the only one who lost a lot," Cassian said motioning to passengers trying to help a bone back into someone's leg. There was loud screaming and a crack, they gave him pills to pass out and started wrapping his leg.

"Yeah, what did you lose? Not your girlfriend." The ship was down to a mumble now. Jyn perked her head up and leaned in front of the pilot.

"Cassian killed three people with his bare hands in thirty minutes, I would watch it torpedo."

Cassian pulled her back while she kept the eye contact with the pilot. Jyn only rested her head back on Cassians collar bone when the boy turned towards the wall to lay down.

The man whose bone was sticking out of his leg groaned in his sleep. One of his friends jolted up to see what the problem was. 

Blood was dripping through the bandage onto the floor. He was turning a pale color.

Cassian surged forward, forgetting his cracked rib cage, and collapsed of the sudden movement. Jyn helped him get readjusted while two others unwrapped the mans leg to try and stop the bleeding.

"How much longer do we have to get to base?" Jyn asked.

"A few more hours," she replied.

"Where's the thread?" she asked.

"Check near the back."

"Torpedo." Jyn pointed to the young pilot lying on the floor. "Look for a needle and thread. Thin as possible." He nodded and busied himself with searching through compartments.

"Hold on Cassian." She slid away from him and over to the man, assessing what was happening with him.

"Hold his skin together and you," she pointed at the one next to her, "go get a board or piece of metal."

She and the man held the skin together, making him wake up and scream.

"Go faster!!" Cassian yelled at the pilot.

"This is as fast as I can go!"

Jyn took the scarf from around her neck and shoved it in his mouth.

"Does anyone have bacta gels?" She called. A man she recognized from the rogue one crew dumped a couple next to her. One had taken Jyn's scarf out of his mouth for a second to dip it in whiskey before stuffing it back in.

She ripped a gel open while someone kept the skin close together. She patted it on the inside hoping it would heal faster. The pilot came back with a needle and thread and held it out to her.

"You're going to have to do it," she said to him. He looked panicked.

"I'll guide you, don't worry," the man holding the skin together.

The pilot poked the needle where the man directed. While Jyn and 'Whiskey' worked on a brace for his leg.

It was a long stitch and Cassian moved himself to sit next to 'Broken Shin' to squeeze his hand if it felt like to much. 'Bacta gels' was giving swigs of whiskey to 'Broken Shin' to keep the pain at drunken feel.

There were two who weren't helping with 'Broken Shin', one was sleeping so hard they didn't wake up and the other was trying to see if they were still alive.

'Torpedo' finished the last stitch and cut it with his teeth. 'Stitch Guide' gave him a high five and they used another bacta gel over the top. 'Stitch Guide' wrapped his leg with clean cloth. Jyn positioned the brace on the front of the shin and used extra cloth to tighten it. He cried out in pain every time she pulled the knot tighter.

"How much longer?" Cassian asked the pilot.

"I see it now," she responded.

Everyone on the ship was fine. Jyn scooted over to the wall and curled up next to it, holding her necklace. Cassian sat next to her.

"Are you alright?"

She smiled at her necklace, "I don't think I ever will be."

They entered the planet's atmosphere. Everything started getting and people grabbed onto straps as to not be knocked around. They landed.

The pilot called for two stretchers, one for 'Broken Shin' and the other for Cassian. Two stretchers were carried out and the two were loaded onto them. Everyone else followed them to the medbay.

Jyn walked next to Cassian's stretcher. She hobbled, but she kept up. 'Torpedo' was attacked by a slew of hugs from squadron members who thought he was dead.

Jyn and Cassian were given a beds next to each other. Both of them would have to go in for surgery.

They pumped Jyn with drugs for her to fall asleep and when she woke up from the surgery, she was as high as the galaxy would let her.

"I love you," she said to no one in particular. One of the nurses noticed her speaking.


"Papa!" The nurse took Jyn's hand and tried soothing her.

"Cassian," she whined. "I need you Cassian." The nurse paused and smiled. The lone wolf had finally gotten someone to love him.

"You should tell him," the nurse suggested.

"Cassian!" Jyn hollered. Cassian turned his head over to her.

"Yes, Jyn?"

"I love you." He was sober, he had all this time to remember what she told him or to pretend it didn't happen.

"I love you too," he replied, smiling. 

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