In Which Bodhi Can't Sleep So He Talks to Galen

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Bodhi sat up in the small cot that the empire provided for him. He couldn't sleep despite it always looking dark. A pilot snored as Bodhi crept out of the room.

He crept down the hall, trying to be as inconspicuous to other passerby's. Scientists looked at him confused. What was this man in pajamas doing out?

He spotted a familiar figure looking out the window. There wasn't much of a point to the window, but it made the pilots, scientist and troopers feel less like they were in a prison. 

Galen always seemed in a depleted state of mind, like he hoped to give up soon. He expressed an air of intelligence that felt sorrowful yet kind and compassionate. His work was hard and ever since Bodhi knew him, new worry wrinkles always appeared. Galen had always said it was from old age but he knew time was running out.

"Bodhi," he said. "You should be asleep. These are your resting hours."

"I know I just...couldn't." Galen nodded in understanding.

"Is Davey snoring again?"

"Yeah," Bodhi sighed. "He says that I snore worse though."

"Well there's no way to tell is there?"

"I wish, he would probably be louder." Galen smiled.

"Your birthday is coming soon," he commented. "Anything special?"

"Not that I know of. The troopers will probably play a couple pranks on me but that's about it."

"Are they mean to you?" Galen said, touching Bodhi's shoulder. Bodhi shook his head and looked down.

"Not too mean." Galen pet his back, comforting the young man.

"If they ever give you any trouble, tell me. I can speak with their commanding officers. They'll have to clean the mess hall for the rest of their lives." Bodhi smiled.

"Some of them are nice," he said. "Well one really. Her name's Fritta. She's one of the only girls in the garrison."

"I know who she is. The one with red hair?"

"Yep," Bodhi confirmed. "And she braids it in a crown." Galen smiled upward thinking about fond memories.

"My wife, Lyra used to braid my daughter's hair. And one time, I did it instead."

"Papa will it really be as good as Mama's?"

"Of course Jyn, Papa can braid just as well."

Galen held a young Jyn in his lap, curled over her head to French braid her hair. His fingers grasped at the thin strands of brown hair as he weaved them through each other. He felt a few knots and finger combed them out, making sure to use gentle fingers. Jyn still made a fuss.

"Papa," she whined. "That hurts. Mama doesn't pull my hair!"

"Yes she does Stardust," he said, using her nickname. "Both Mama and I pull it on accident, we don't mean to harm you."

"It still hurts though."

"We'll now I know to go softer because you've told me that it hurts." 

Jyn held still, but did not complain about the knots. She sat cross legged and winced every time her hair was pulled. She focused on the rain outside her window, speeding down from the sky so as to pull her attention away from her Papa's finger catching on to her flyaway hairs.

"There Stardust," Galen said tying off the end of the braid. "All done." Jyn leapt from her Papa's lap and went to check herself in the small mirror.

Lyra came out of the bedroom looking groggy. Her eyes had dark circles underlined them and her cheeks looked hollow.

"Mama look!" Jyn cried in excitement. "Papa did my hair today!"

Lyra opened her mouth to speak but almost emptied the contents of her stomach onto the floor, so she smiled warmly. 

Galen stood up and walked over to comfort his wife. "You get better okay?" Lyra leaned a tired head against his collarbone and nodded slightly. "Jyn and I will take care of the planting today. Now you go get some rest."

"After a day of work we came inside, and I realized that a knot had snuck into her braid. We had to cut it out because of how bad it was." Galen smiled out the window at the fond memory. It slipped though when he remembered all the painful things that had become of them. 

Bodhi—realizing that Galen was reminiscing on a horrible past—laid his head upon the other's shoulder to offer a sense of comfort. Galen wrapped an arm around Bodhi's shoulder and savored the moment they shared.

"Bodhi," Galen said, turning Bodhi towards him. "I think it's time you get some rest. I would like for you to make safe travel."

"Alright I'll try." Galen patted Bodhi's back as he crept back to his bunk. He never had a father in his life, he was mysteriously gone from his mother's life when he was born, but he considered Galen to be the closest thing he could find in his travels through the galaxy.

Though he did not become the star fighter pilot he had dreamed of, he never would have meet Galen and seen the truth about the empire.

No one had told him the food would be so bland and chewy, or that the cots would feel hard and cold. The only thing he had ever heard was that there was a Sith Lord working there. Though frightful as it seems, Bodhi still thought he could become a great hero.

But in the end all the empire was about was expansion and fear. Controlling the public and silencing those who spoke their opinions. Bodhi had never realized the threat of it besides the rude stormtroopers who ruined his fun. He grew up on it, never knowing there was a better way to live life, until he met Galen and listened to his heartbreaking story.

Bodhi desperately wanted to meet Galen's daughter and tell her how much her father missed her. That Galen was okay and he had friends. He knew the empire had searched records of Jyn Erso and the last time her docs were used were for transport to Lah'mu, she had either died or miraculously escaped. Bodhi hoped that they could be reunited, he wasn't enough to fill Galen's love for his child. He had his mother and his mother had him, but Galen was all alone.

Bodhi slipped into bed, trying not to wake Davey. He curled up and pulled the thin fabric over his shoulders. I'll find her.

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