In Which Jyn and Bodhi Get in Trouble fo Sneaking Out

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Lights flickered on the lampposts, lighting the littered sidewalks. The street was empty besides a large pothole housing an assortment of beer bottles. A stray dog scratched its ear next to a broken-down building. Fire danced on the inside.

Two teenagers sat over a candle clasping hands. One held a pop tart over the flames and watched greedily as they brushed against the frosting, burning it.

"Jyn, I don't think ghosts like burnt pop tarts."

"Shush Bodhi." She said, still transfixed by the pop tart. "It will pass through to the other world."

"The other world?"

"The ghost world."

"Seriously?" Bodhi asked.

"It sounds cool enough for me."

"I can't believe you talked me into this." Jyn smiled at her friend and put down the partially burnt pop tart.

"I think we've hung the bait," Jyn said reaching into her backpack and pulling out an ouija board. "Now let's see if they take a bite."

They moved the candle over and rested their hands on the planchette. They moved to say hello.

"I'm Jyn. J-Y-N." They spelled it, "and I'm Bodhi. B-O-D-H-I." They both stared at the board waiting expectantly.

" there a spirit here?" Bodhi asked. The planchette stayed in the same spot.

A clattering came from a hallway near Bodhi. He tensed up and covered his mouth. Jyn peered into the darkness and jumped slightly when Cassian Andor stepped into the candlelight.

"Don't you two have better things to do?" He asked leaning against the frame.

"It was her idea," Bodhi pointed. Jyn gave Bodhi an accusatory glare.

"I figured as much," Cassian Andor said studying the walls of the building.

"What are you doing here?" Jyn asked.

"Looking for you," he said locking their eyes and tilting his chin up.

"You're not gonna tell...right?" Bodhi asked.

"No," he agreed. "You should be glad I found you instead of Kay."

"So then what are you gonna do?" Bodhi asked.

"Han's coming around with his car to pick you guys up, we should go. Pack it up."

Bodhi scrambled up while Jyn stuffed the board into her backpack and blew out the candle.

"How long were you there?" Jyn asked Cassian as they descended the rickety stairs.

"Long enough to scare you." Jyn scoffed and followed him out to Han's car, or the Falcon as he called it. 

"Damn Jyn," Han said as they agreed driving. "That's the fifth time you've tried to sneak out and gotten caught. You should nave enlisted my help, a true pro." Jyn glared at him from beneath her lashes.

"You would have only gotten caught quicker," Chewie, Han's shotgun, said.

"Hey!" Han exclaimed. Bodhi laughed and Jyn smiled.

The group pulled up to the school's gates. Imperial Academy was a boarding school where misbehaving children, unwanted children, and delinquents were sent. Han and Jyn were part of the delinquent category while Bodhi and Cassian had lived there since they were young. Chewie had been sent by his parents after they couldn't afford to keep him.

Han parked the Falcon just inside the school gates. Professor Krennic, the chemistry teacher, was waiting for them near the door. He had a grudge against Jyn and Bodhi for almost no reason except that they knew Jyn's father.

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