CHAPTER TWELVE | Rude Awakenings ✔️

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Sorry if this chapter is a little boring- doing some world building~
also comments are greatly appreciated because I'm so curious about what everyone thinks 🥲


"Wake up."

Despite the heaviness in my limbs, and the comfort of the bed, I slowly open my eyes. Bright rays of the day flood into the room and as things come into focus I jolt up realizing where I am.

Ezra looks to me, seemingly amused by my state of alarm.

"What time is it?" I murmur, groggily.

I turn to him for an answer, when I notice his state. A towel hung lowly on his hips and another in his grip to dry his hair. Are all Lycan's chiseled from marble?

The feeling of my face flushing becomes dangerously apparent and I pray that it isn't as obvious visually.

However the lazy smirk on his face suggests otherwise. I have no control over these emotions, he knows it and I absolutely hate it.

"Eight am, almost nine."

It's annoying me how cocky he's behaving despite his little nightmare last night. 

"And why should I be awake right now?" I mutter irritably, wanting nothing more than to fall back into sleep.

At this he narrows his eyes, and in a swift motion leans over my position on the bed to which I abruptly fall back onto.

My breath catches in my throat at the proximity, "Amara, my patience is hanging loosely by a thread. If you are choosing a day to play with me, today is not the day." He advises, lowly. The honey color of his eyes slowly swirl into a dark amber color. Briefly, his gaze falls from mine, trailing to my lips.

The silence is almost agonizing partnered with this beckoning feeling to be even closer.

I swallow down the lump in my throat and give him a short nod in response. He purses his lips tightly at this, and almost reluctantly pulls away from me.

A cold feeling washes over me, as if he took the warmth with him.

"I called the pack doctor, and he will be arriving soon. It would be better for him to check on you while you're awake." I vaguely overhear the closet door creaking open.

At this I turn over in bed, willing my limbs to move. 

"And where will you be?"

"A meeting."

"And what am I to do?" I ask, unable to hide the bitterness laced in my words.

My eyes fall onto the forsaken towel at his feet, and sucked in a breath, diverting my eyes elsewhere.

I am upset at him, I don't feel anything for him. He kidnapped me and now I'm trapped in this nightmare. 

I tell myself this, an internal chant. A feeble attempt to bring myself back to reality.

"Explore. You can see the grounds with Hyacinth."

Right, with a chaperone of course.

Without warning, The door swings open revealing the man from yesterday. Troy?

Ezra looks to him with annoyance, somehow already half dressed. Troy furrows his eyebrows at his reaction before his gaze falls onto my figure on the bed. His mouth forms an 'O' shape, to which Ezra shakes a head at.

"Princess, you couldn't have picked a worse time to play hide n seek." He jests, with a Cheshire grin.

To which Ezra promptly shoots him a tense look.

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