Chapter 05 : A Play Date ( Part I )

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Liam's P. O. V :

Today, me and Al - nii are going to the Theater to watch a play of Detective Holmes with Sherly and Mycro - nii. They're already there and just waiting for us. Louis won't be coming with us since he'll be with Mother today, Mother said they're going shopping along with Father as a butler. I laughed at that. Poor Father. But alas, he isn't the boss in our house. It's Mother. When it's concerning our family business, Father is the head of the household but, in our home, it's Mother. Father can never say "no" towards the Lord Lady of our family.

Anyway, me and Al - nii are already preparing to depart soon, we're just waiting for Jack - san. We were outside the front door when, Jack - san already came to pick us up. Mother and Father along with Louis left earlier compared to us. Why? Simple, if we all left at the same time, Louis will certainly come with us. It's not that, we don't want to spend time with Louis, we love him too much, it's just Mother and Father wanted to spend some time with him since, they did miss his third birthday, they were on a business trip during that day so, they wanted to make up to him.

We were already inside the car and once the engine was on. We left. It was a quiet ride  but, it was comfortable. Niichan was looking outside the window. We were sitting in the back, he was on the right side while, I was on the left side. I was looking outside the window as well, watching the scenery while, sitting in a limosine. It was raining today but, I didn't care. I wanted to see Sherly and play with him since we couldn't play last time during Mycro - nii's birthday.

- Flashback -

We were heading downstairs because, Mother and Father along with the Holmes couple were calling us. We were all in Sherly's room awhile ago. We slept there and also ate a few snacks together that was brought by Al - nii. Me, Louis and Sherly were all attached to Al - nii. Louis was in his arms, me on his right side while, gripping my left hand on the right side of his pants meanwhile, Sherly was on his left side while, gripping the left side of his pants with his right hand. He didn't mind, it looked more like he enjoyed it. Well Al - nii does like it a lot when me and Louis stick to his side all the time.

We reached their living room and there we saw them all together sitting on the couches together while, chatting with one another. Mother and Mrs. Holmes on one long couch together while, Father and Mr. Holmes were on the opposite side of them, their couches were facing each other. Mycro - nii coughed loud enough to make them know we were already here. When they saw us, they all gave us a teasing smile then, laughed so loudly. Why were they laughing? What's so funny?

"What's so funny?" Mycro - nii asked them angerily while, giving them a glare.

They all stopped laughing and looked at us with a smirk.

"It's nothing. It's just, you guys look like a family. " Mr. Holmes explained to us with a smirk.

"Albert and Mycroft look like their parents meanwhile, the boys are their kids. Hahahaha!!" Mrs. Holmes said then, laughed alongside with the other three adults.

"Al, honey. You really look like a Mom right now. Especially with those three boys attached to you. Haha!" Mother teased Niichan then, laughed again.

I felt Niichan went stiff beside me. Looks like all three of us felt it. Is Niichan alright?

"So, that does make Mycroft my son - in - law now?"  Father taunted towards Al - nii and Mycro - nii then, laughed again.

Niichan and Mycro - nii became stiff after what Father said. When I looked up to him, his face was like a tomato, it was bright red. Is Niichan sick? Why is his face is red? Does he have a fever or something? And from the looks of it, Mycro - nii's face was also red. Are they both sick or something?

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