.chapter 28

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I took a thirty minute shower then got dress (outfit in the pic) I grab my backpack and headed into the kitchen "good morning mother" I say "goodmorn-honey what's that on your shoulder" my mom says I look down at my shoulder oh shit she see's my tattoo here comes the lecture she's about to have a bitch fit "mom its not what it looks like" I say

"Oh yeah well it looks like a fucking tattoo how many do you have" she asks "a lot" I muttered but loud enough for her to hear "when you get home from school where gonna have a serious talk" she replies "oh and your science teacher at school she called me and told me that you've been threatining her putting exploding dye packs in her desks you even put fireworks into her desks is this true?" She asked "yes mom I done a lot of things" I smirk at her

"I'm surprised you haven't noticed back in Chicago I set my school on fire I stole things from the mall I went to jail for it a couple of times I got expelled from school" I set my elbows on the counter "Riley Elizabeth Cato I am so disappointed in you" she's says in a monotone I roll my eyes and scoff "mom your so fucking blind you haven't noticed I've been doing this since I was eleven your to worried about me being that perfect daughter like you want me to be".

"How would you get into Harvard with this attitude of yours" she replies i hear a horn beeping thank god its Matt I run out the door while my mom keeps yelling my name but I keep ignoring her I jump in the car I smile at Matt and peck him on the lips "hey" I say "hey" he replies "what's the matter I can tell something's wrong" Matt pouts "me and my mom got into a argument she found out about my tattoos and everything else" I say "I'm kinda glad that she found out" I say

"And why is that?" Matt questions "because its time for me to talk to her and tell her what's really on my mind" I say looking out the car window Matt puts his hand on my thigh "hey it's gonna be okay she will understand everything you have to say to her" he reassures me "let's just hope" I sigh


we finally arrive to school aka hell we walk into school hand in hand getting stares from Britney and her clique or should I say squad (lol I'm so goofy) I smirk at her she scoffs and roll her eyes we walk to the guys I let go of matt's grip and go hug Maggie she stands there in shock I pull away "sorry I just haven't seen you in awhile" I laugh "its okay I just wasn't expecting a hug" she smiles

"So how you been" she asks "good actually Matt and I are back together" I say "I knew you guys would get back together Andrea owes me forty bucks" she replies I laugh "but you guys are cute I ship you guys all the way" Maggie smiles I smile back in return "I'll be back I have to use the bathroom" I say she nods I walk into the girls bathroom I hear someone crying I walk to the end of the stalls I open it and see Rebecca the girl I invited to my sleepover

I see a whole bunch of bruises on her and her nose was bleeding and she had a black eye "Rebecca who did this to you" I asks softly "i-if i tell you they will hurt me again" she stutters "they won't hurt you if you tell me" I reply "Britney and her gang" she says my body filled with anger I could feel my eyes shift I stomped out the bathroom and walked over to Britney Rebecca follows me

"What do you want" she scoffs at me then smirks at Rebecca her clique starts laughing I grab her by the neck lifting her feet off the ground "you stupid bitch don't you ever put your hands on her again" I say referring to Rebecca "please let me go" she breaths "I don't think so" I smirk evily she tries to squirm out my grip which makes me tighten my grip even more her face starts turning pale

"Why should I let you go anyway your weren't saying that when you were abusing Rebecca" I say through gritted teeth "please" she begs "that's music to my ears how about you beg some more" I laugh deviously "please 'please let me go" she coughs out "what did you say I couldn't hear you can you speak a little louder" I reply "maybe you should be apologizing to Rebecca and maybe I'll let you go" "okay okay I'm sorry rebecca I shouldn't have beatned you and I will never do it again now please let me go" she cries

"I don't think so maybe I should choke you a little longer" I smirk "Riley let her go" Matt says I ignore him and tighten my grip on Britney's neck "let her go" Matt sternly says I turn my head towards him he grabs my face and puts his forehead onto mine "calm down look at me" he whispers I look him in the eyes I close my eyes and let them shift back into there original color I reopen them "now let her go" he pleads I throw her on the ground like ragged doll

I look around too see everyone staring at me with shock and scared eyes I look at Matt to see a disappointment expression on his face "I have to go" I whisper to myself as I run outside of school to the football field I sit on the Bench what's wrong with me I'm a monster I almost killed her I mean't to hurt her but not kill her that's not me

What if that's was Matt that pissed me off and I just walked up to him and choked him I'm not good for my friends or family let alone Matt maybe I should runaway and start over I can't be near my friends or my family I might hurt them one day without even knowing.

"Hey what was that" Matt says knocking me out of my thoughts "I don't know I blacked out I didn't mean to choke her Matt I swear" i say "its okay I know you didn't mean too" he says wrapping his arms around "I don't know what's wrong with me" I cry "there's nothing wrong with you Riley you were just having a outburst let's just not talk about this anymore okay?" He says wiping my tear with his thumb

"I wanted to asks you something" he says "what?" I reply "summer vacation do you wanna come to Paris with me?" he replies "Paris!?" I shout "yeah just me and you how does that sound?" He smiles "it sounds great Matt I would love to go to Paris with you!" I say hugging him

To Be Continued.......

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