Chapter 33

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"Hey mom"I say walking down the stairs "hi sweetie" she replies "what ya up too" I asks "nothing really just getting ready for work and you"? she says "I'm just gonna stay home and watch tv since matts at football practice "I say "oh"she smiles "what"? I smile back "I don't know, you and Matt are just so cute"she gushes "mom"I whine trying to hide the smile that was creeping onto my face

"Come on its true and you know it"she laughs "yeah I know" I say playfully rolling my eyes "did Matt give you that ring"? she says pointing to my finger that had the sparkling ring on it "yeah he propose to me last night and I said yes"I smile cheesily "you what"! she says screaming at the top of her lungs I look at her in shock then start laughing she looks at me weirdly "what's so funny"? she asks cocking her eyebrow "mom he faked propose to me to show that he wants to marry me when were older" I explain to her "Oh,awe that's so romantic" she smiles

I giggle "yeah I know" I say "well I have to go sweetie I'll see you later okay"she says kissing my forehead "okay bye mom"I shout before she walks out the door Ryan comes downstairs only and his underwear and T-shirt "good morning baby sister" he yawns "GoodMorning or should I say good afternoon you know it's 3pm right"? I chuckle

"I do now" he smirks I roll my eyes "who gave you that expensive ring"he asked "my boyfriend" I reply "you have a boyfriend"? he says oh crap I forgot he hasn't even met Matt yet I totally forgot about that "oh I forgot you haven't met him yet" I say "so when will I meet this boyfriend of yours" he says resting his elbows on the counter "I don't know maybe today I have to pick him up from his football practice anyway" I shrug he nods "well I should go get dress Kayla (his girlfriend) wants me to come to the mall with her" he says I nod he walks back upstairs to his room


I've been getting this weird feeling that someone was watching me and I don't like it at all it's really scaring me so I decided to text cameron to come over since all the rest of the guys are busy and I was alone since Ryan left with his girlfriend.

I was watching my favorite show boy meets world even though they were reruns I really like that show for some reason I hear a knock at my door I jump up to get it I open the door to reveal cameron "hey" he smiles "hi cameron" I smile back "so what's up"he says "nothing much just scared so I texted you to come over" I say letting him in "why are you scared"?he asked "because I think someone is watching me and it's really freaking me out"I say he chuckles "it's not funny" I pout hitting his arm lightly "okay okay I'm sorry" he says I glare at him he tries to hug me but I push him and he falls backwards onto the floor I start laughing "are you okay"? I say "yeah if you help me up"he says "sure" I laugh I put out my hand for him to take he gladly takes it pulling me on top of him I giggle he stares at
Me "what"?I smile nothing he smiles back "it's just that your so pretty" "well thank you cameron" I reply we start staring at each other he leans in I widened my eyes "um it's time for me to go get Matt" I say looking at the clock "oh um okay"he says scratching the back of his neck "well I should get going" I say "yeah me too" he replies we walk outside I lock my house door

"I'll see you at school tomorrow" he says hoping into his car "okay"I say before he takes off I hop in my car starting the ignition and driving off I can't believe cameron almost tried to kiss me does he have feelings for me I pull up to our school I could see matts jersey number #81 I sit on the bleachers and watch him play he was really good I was so into the game Matt made a touch down "yeah go Matt" I scream all the football players start staring at me including the coach my cheeks flush with embarrassment Matt looks at me and makes a heart with his fingers I blow him a kiss he pretends to catch it I put my hand over my heart his coach yells for him to come over and stop making googly eyes at me i laugh to myself "is that your boyfriend"? a voice says behind me I turn around to meet a boy with brown hair and Brown eyes "who's asking" I say "just wanted to know I'm Chris by the way" he says putting out his hand for me To shake but instead I just look at it he pulls it back "I can see that your not very friendly are you"? he asked "not in a million years" I say rolling my eyes "you know your very pretty" he smiles

"Look I don't know who you are but you need to stop because I'm not interested what so ever" I scoff "damn so it's like that baby" he says "yeah it's like that" I say mocking him "you know you want me" he smirks grabbing me by the waist I try to push him off but he wouldn't budge "let me go" I say "not in a million years" he whispers mocking me he kisses my neck "your mine now" he smiles "what the fuck are you doing" Matt stomps up towards us the guy lets me go I jump up and hug Matt,Matt puts me behind him "why are you touching my girlfriend"! Matt says "because I can" the guy smirks "you put your hands on her again and I will fuck you up" Matt replies "oh but I already did see that hickey on her neck" he laughs evilly Matt looks at my neck then starts charging at the guy "keep your fucking hands off her" Matt yells matts football coach comes and pulls Matt off the guy "Espinosa what's going on"? he's coach asks "this guy over is causing trouble" Matt replies "leave" matts coach says to the guy,the boy starts running.

"Are you okay"? his coach asks him "yeah I'm fine" Matt says brushing his fingers through his hair he's coach nods and leave "are you okay"? Matt asks me "yeah I'm okay" I say "let's go home" Matt says grabbing me by the waist we walk to my car silently Matt throws off his football shirt only left in his white t-shirt and football pants with the padding he looked hot as fuck in it if I say so myself "I see you checking me out Riley" he smirks I smile "guilty as charged" I say he wraps his arms around me and leans on the car "hey Matt" one of his football teammates says "what's up Mikey" he replies "so this your girl" Mikey says "yeah this my girl" Matt replies "Damn she fine,shes way out of your league" Mikey starts laughing "I know right" I say laughing with him I give Mikey a high five "whatever" Matt says rolling his eyes.

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