Chapter 36

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I woke up and took a quick shower then get dress (outfit in the pic)

Today I was going shopping for my prom dress I walk downstairs seeing my mom and Ryan eating breakfast "good morning Riley I made you breakfast" my mom says she hands me my plate "thanks mom" I smile I devour my food in forty minutes "wow Riley you were really hungry weren't you?"my mom says sarcastically "sorry mom but I have to some Aron's to run for prom" I say (don't know how to spell that lmao) "okay sweetie have fun" she replies "okay bye mom" I scream walking out the door

I open the garage unlocking my car door hoping in I start the ignition speeding toward the mall I get there in twenty minutes I think about which store I would start off with first until I see a sign that says prom dresses and suits I walk in to the store they had a lot of dresses I couldn't decide until I saw the mosts beautiful dress I ever seen it was black the upper part of the dress was studded with diamonds the bottom had a cut out which would show my legs I walk into the dressing room I try it on I loved it the dress was so elegant and classy this is the one

I walk to the register to pay for the dress I pay the cashier $100 dollars next it was to buy some shoes to match I walk into Charlotte Russe since there shoes are too die for I look through the shoe racks "are you Riley?" a voice says it sounds like a guy I turn around to face a chest? I look up to look at the guy face he was already looking down at me whoa this dude was as tall as a basket ball player he had tattoos running down his arms and up his neck he had a lip ring his hair was black and his eyes were blue

"Yeah and who the fuck are you?" I say "my name is Jessie" he says "does is look like I give a fuck" I say "just tell me what the hell you want" I cross my arms over my chest "whoa,whoa no need to be feisty" he smirks I roll my eyes "look your Matts girlfriend right?" he says "yeah how do you know" I say looking at the option of shoes I found these open toe silver shoes they match perfectly with the dress I have I smile at them in satisfaction I walk to the register as the Jessie guy follow me "look matts in trouble" he says "what kind?" i say not making eye contact with him I pay the cashier the cashier hands me my bag and I walk out the store as Jessie follows me,

"Look Riley listen" he says grabbing my waist "get your hands off of me" I say getting out of his grip people that were walking by gave us stares but I ignore them "tell Matt that Richards looking for him" he says and "what does this Richard guy want with Matt?" I asks "Richard is Matts old boss" he replies "boss?" I say "yeah Matt use to sell crystal meth for him but Matt stole his money and now Richards pissed off he wants to kill Matt he may kill you too he knows your matts weakness he's been watching you two" he says "Okay I'll let Matt know" I say he nods I walk away I hop into my car driving over too matts house I get there in fifteen minutes since there wasn't any traffic I park my car in his driveway I guess he's dad wasn't here since his car wasn't but matts car was .

I walk into his house and set my keys on the island "Matt" I shout "I'm in my room" he shouts back I walk upstairs and see him laying on his bed playing on his phone "hey" he smiles "hey" I reply "is there something wrong?" Matt asks "yeah there is something wrong" I say "what is it?" he says in a worried voice "do you know a guy name Jessie" I asks "yeah,how the fuck do you know him" he whispers/shouts "he found me " I say "what did he want with you?" Matt says worriedly "actually it was about you" I reply "oh really?" he says "yeah he said some guy name Richard is planning too kill you because you stole some of his money is this true?" I say calmly

Matt eyes widened "yeah it's true" he replies "Matt what the fuck!" I shout "Riley calm down" he says "I can't calm down why the hell would you still money from a drug dealer you do know their sensitive with there money they will come for you right?" "they do anything to kill you they'll use your friends and family as your weakness they'll try to find your weakness they try to find out everything about you!" i shout "how do you know that?" Matt questions my eyes widened "I don't" I say "Riley tell me what you know" he says "nothing" I quietly say "Riley tell me" he crosses his arms over his chests

"Fine, back in Chicago I use to be a drug dealer too but I was the leader of a gang but I quit when I met you I swear I would never tell you or anyone" I say "I never heard of A girl being a leader of a gang" he says "there was something'sI regret doing along time ago it was the most horrible thing I ever done I promise myself I would never do again" I look down Matt stares at me lifting my chin up with his index finger

"What was it?" he asks "I-i use too kill" I stutter "what?,for fun or because you had too" he says "both" I say "I use too kill people I hated and I would kill people who tried to steal money from me I understand that you don't want to talk to me any more" I say letting a tear slip out my eye Matt hugs me "look Riley I understand I'm not gonna stop talking to you I love you a lot okay nothing's gonna break us apart not even the pasts alright" he looks me in the eye "okay"I nod he kisses my forehead.

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