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I  just logged back in this account and noticed that this book has reached 100k reads SKSKSKKSKSKSKSKIISKSK IM SO HAPPYYYYY THANK YOUUUUUUU SO SO SOO MUCCH ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️IT MEANS THE ABSOLUTE MOST it's crazy bc I never thought this book would get that many reads I was 13 when I wrote this and I'm 17 now SO IM SHOOKETH TO THE CORE

Also follow my other Wattpad account spookysangel i am on there a lot more than I am on this account and I have other fanfic books beside magcon books but if any of you like "on my block" you guys should read my two omb fanfic books one is called "Mi Eternidad" and the other is "only you" so ya go like check it out fam🙂

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