Chapter 39

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I wake up i decide to take a shower since I haven't showered for two days yep that's how long I've been knocked out from that chemical that I breathed in.

I grab my clothes walking into my private bathroom I turn on the warm shower letting it run I look in the mirror to see that my face was smudged with make up god I looked horrible I wiped my face off looking a 100% better I hop in I wash every inch of my body not missing an area then i rinse the soap off of me I turn off the shower hopping out of it

I dry myself off then I slip on my undergarments I throw on a white T-shirt and some black leather pants I slip on my black combat boots I tie my hair into a pony tail then throw on my black leather jacket.

My stomach started growling I wonder what they have to eat I open my room door poking my head out no one was around I stepped out walking down the stairs it took me about forty minutes to find the kitchen but I finally found it i grab an apple and a water bottle "what are you doing?" Connor asks crossing his arms over his chest leaning on kitchen wall "eating" I say sarcastically taking a bite out of my apple "are you even suppose to be out of your room?" he replies "listen Connor I don't think you know but I'm an old friend of Richard so don't piss me off" I glare at him he rolls his eyes

When I finish my apple I toss it into the garbage can I push past him walking into rich office he was sitting there in his desk chair looking out the window "hey there you are blade,remember that name" he smirks "yes I remember blade" I say Blade was my gang name wanna know why they call me blade it's because When I killed my victims I would rip out there insides then carve my name into there bodies with a blade I know I was insane back then but I wanted to change especially for Matt

"Hey rich?" I say "yes blade" he replies "do you mind if I check on Matt?" I say with hope in my eyes "sure but I need you to go on that mission so you got eight minutes" he replies I nod I walk out his office I walk into the kitchen grabbing an apple and a bottle of water then walk into Matts room to see him sitting on his bed with his hands in his lap looking down "Matt?" I say he looks up his face lights ups he runs towards me hugging me attacking my face with kisses "your okay!" he says hugging me once more I nod closing my eyes tight "I brung you something to eat" I say "I know it's not much but it's all I could grab" "it's okay I'm just glad to see your okay" he replies taking the apple and water bottle from my hands I give him a small smile "why are you dress like that?" he asked taking bite out of his apple

I look down at the floor not wanting to make eye contact with him "Riley why are dress like that?" he sternly says "I have to Matt or he's gonna hurt you" I cry "what do you mean?" Matt says I look up wiping a tear from my eye "Rich said that if I would kill people for him like old times he would spare your life" I reply "who's rich?" Matt says "Richard I call him rich though, him and I are good friends back when I was the leader of my gang me and him compromise on colliding our gangs together since both of are gangs were stronger than our other Rivalries" I say "I never knew you were friends with my old boss how come I never seen you before" he asked "probably because my hair was red back then" I say "you mean you were that red head girl who were the leader of the saints gang,you were blade" Matt says/asked "yeah" i say "I can't believe this" he says sitting down "I don't even know my own girlfriend anymore"

"Look Matt I'm sorry I never told you about my past I-I just wanted to forget my old horrible life" I say Matt doesn't say anything he just looks away "get out" he says "what?" I say "are you fucking deaf I said get out" he yells "I'm sorry Matt" I whisper waking out of his room shutting the door behind me

"Are you ready?" rich asked me I nod pushing past him I was so mad at myself
I should have just told Matt the truth in the first place and I wouldn't be so hurt right now it hurts really bad knowing the person you love is angry at you I
Feel my eyes shift into color probably black since I was sad I walk outside waiting for rich,Connor,and some other guys I notice one of my old friends i would notice him anywhere it was Sammy
"Sammy!" I say excitedly I run towards him jumping into his arms "Riley is that you?" he says through my hair I nod "you look so different did you dye your hair blonde" he asked me I nod once more hugging him again "I missed you so much" he says "i missed you too" I smile at him "come on guys you can talk later" rich says I roll my eyes hopping into his black range rover he hops into the passenger Seat as the rest hop in the back and the people that were left got into the other range rover but that range rover was white

"So what's the mission?" I asks rich "you know Morgan" he replies "yeah your old rivalry I say yup,well he thought it was a good idea to steal my boxes of crystal meth and heroine anyway were going to his territory right now and I want you to kill him and anyone who gets in your way" rich replies I nod we park our cars away from Morgans place so no one could see us we walk to the trunk rich opens it he hands me and everyone else a gun "hey you got a knife and a blade"? I asks him "of course I have one for my old friend" he smirks at me he hands them to me I slide them into my boot "Connor you go with blade" rich says "really?" I say Connor rolls his eyes "come on Dick head" I say as we walk to the back "I don't like you" he says "oh look we have something in common" I say sarcastically we stop at a corner I poke my head out to see a guard I sneak behind him I grab my knife out of my boot stabbing him in the neck he screeches I pull it out of his neck wiping off his blood putting my knife back into my boot we walk inside the building a guy starts shooting at us I grab Connor hiding behind a wall

I hear the guy footsteps getting closer and closer when he finally appears I grab him by the shoulder shooting him in the stomach "come on" I tell Connor we walk in the hallways looking for Morgan "your no help" I whisper too Connor making sure no one was around "you didn't seem like you need help" he whispers back i roll my eyes "asshole" I whisper to him "bitch" he replies "call me another one and I will rip your intestines out your ass hole" I say harshly he stays silent the whole time I hear a familiar voice it's Morgans we walk through the door making sure no one could hear us I see him laying on the couch with a whole bunch of girls surrounding him with guards around him holding guns in there hands is this a strip club I start shooting at the guards not missing any bodies the girls start screaming running away "remember me" I smirk at Morgan "blade?" he says in terror "that's right bitch" I reply he tries running toward his gun that was on the table I grab my knife throwing it at his hands he screams in pain trying to take the knife out of his hand but it was no use Connor grabs him tying him to a chair I smirk at him

"You think it's okay to steal from my friend rich" I say "that wasn't a very good Idea" I say making a sad face then burst out in laughter I grab my knife "any lasts words before I kill you" I smile he says nothing looking away I stab him in the stomach as blood gushes out of his mouth he spits out some of the blood getting it all on my face and white shirt I cut out his stomach making all his insides fall onto the floor his insides were steaming I grab my blade out my boot carving blade and the shape of a heart onto his forehead Connor cover his mouth in shock I look at him laughing "well that was fun" I smile walking past him we run out the building we sit in the car Waiting for rich to get back I was breathing heavily rich and the rest got back hoping into the car quickly before the cops come he started the ignition and speeding off quickly "do you miss killing" he smirks at me "yes! It was awesome I felt adrenaline rush through me it was absolutely terrific"I laugh lightly "well your going to be doing a lot of that" he replies I smile looking out the window


Wow Riley's a little psycho isn't she I really hope you guys like where's this story is going.

Question of the day:why do you like this story?

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