Chapter 3

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The DJ stalled the record, letting the base build before releasing the track at double speed. The club roared with pleasure, hundreds of hands raised towards the four-story high ceiling. Gabriel took a sip of whisky, watching the dance floor of Club Z from a raised platform. Only thirty minutes into the nights festivities and he was bored and growing increasingly impatient with his hostesses games.

"Your cousin seems to be enjoying himself," Rosabelle said beside him. She was wearing a short fuchsia cheongsam, the candles on the low table setting the matching pink-rubies on her earrings on fire. Few men or women could keep their eyes off of her. Gabriel could not have been less interested. He followed her gaze to the other end of the VIP lounge where Theo was holding court.

"He usually does." A corner of Gabriel's mouth twitched in amusement. Rosabelle may have no respect for any wolves other than Alphas, but her Royal kin did not share her views. They were fawning over Theo, the females vying for his attention while the males plied him with questions. His cousin was famous amongst humans for his boyish good looks and keen business mind. A constant person of interest for periodicals like Forbes and The Economist, he had developed a reputation for closing deals while always maintaining his smile. That was the Theo of the human world, but amongst werewolves, he was known for his unique gift.

Hypnotism, extreme hearing, even mind reading were all gifts possessed by several Alphas and Royals, all be it at varying strengths. Theo's ability to manipulate emotions, was a truly rare gift. When he wanted to Theo could make his target feel all manner of emotions in the blink of an eye. Ecstasy, depression, elation...If he wanted to, he could make women feel love, authorities feel trust or competitors feel desperation. Most werewolves would assume his golden boy business reputation was a result of his gift. What they didn't know was Theo never used his power.

"Perhaps I should have a taste of the ecstasy they say he can provide," Rosabelle tapped her golden talon against her cheek. Then her eyes slid to Gabriel, hot with desire. "Although I'd much rather get my pleasure elsewhere."

"Leader," Daniel Pong approached, two middle-aged human males trailing behind him. "Boss Yu and Boss Li would like a word."

Glad for the interruption, Gabriel stood. "I will be over there." He moved before Rosabelle could speak, receiving the surrounding wolves bows with a nod. The Pong Royals did not approach him. To them he was not only the Alpha of the strongest pack in North America, he was also the President of Lupus Corp. 

While Alphas made decisions for their packs, United Lupus reigned over their interactions. Lupus Corp not only acted as a high-court for territorial disputes, its network of media outlets ensured their race's secrecy and its labs provided Packs with medications made for werewolf physiology.  With all nine Packs of North and South America, four Packs of Africa and seven Packs of Asia  under its wing, Lupus Corp was now in membership negotiations with the European LeCrois Pack. 

At Gabriel's call, wolves from over twenty Packs would gather. 

A mixture of awe and fear kept the surrounding werewolves out of his way and it suited Gabriel just fine. He wasn't interested in any of the overt invitations he saw in the female wolves eyes. He just wanted Rosabelle to play her cards so they could be on their way. But she had been keeping her hands off of him so he couldn't read her plans.

Leaning against the glass barrier with his whisky in hand, Gabriel looked across the club. Several omega wolves danced among the humans, their faces turned up in rapture. Even if he hadn't been able to feel their presence, Gabriel could have picked them out in the crowds by the way they pulled humans in. The stronger among them had collected dozens of hangers on while even the weakest were surrounded by six or seven. 

Finding nothing of interest in the throng, Gabriel was about to turn away when he noticed something odd. Close to a large group of werewolves, a woman was doing something that might have been described as dancing - by a very generous soul. In a violet coloured wig and a skin tight silver sequin dress, she was stepping backwards and forwards, using what looked like a closed red umbrella to keep other dancers away.

His lip curled as he watched her manoeuvre round a dancing couple by spinning under their arms. She was fast. Really fast. Gabriel shifted, sharpening his sight to see more of her. Up went the umbrella, pushing an offending arm into the air as she continued to make her path into the fray. What was she doing there? The purple hair spun fiercely with her quick movements, shielding her features from his curious gaze and then suddenly she was facing him and for one moment he saw her eyes. Big jade green eyes fringed with thick black lashes; there was a wildness to their beauty that brought the amazons to mind. Something tugged at the bottom of his stomach. 


Gabriel blinked, forcing himself to turn at Rosabelle's piqued tone. "Who are you looking at?"

All of the wolves in the V.I.P. lounge looked their way, feeling their Alpha's sudden anger. Gabriel smiled at Rosabelle, reaching for her arm to turn her away from the dance floor. Her thoughts entered his mind: What was that look? Who the hell did he see? He never looks interested!  I will kill the bitch! He let his hand drop from her arm. 

Enough was enough.

Gabriel let his wolf surface, his power pushing against the shields of every werewolf in the club. The weaker ones fell to their knees, the rest of them bending their heads in subservience. Rosabelle's eyes widened in shock; her pack should only react to their own Alpha that way. Gabriel knew he was treading on her territory, but he didn't care. "Lupus Corp elections are in less than two months and as you know, saboteurs have been keeping me very busy. But out of respect for you, Alpha Pong, I am here. So why don't we get to whatever it is you'd like me to do to secure your allegiance?"

The club music washed over the unmoving Rosabelle for one long moment, then she raised a long talon. "Daniel."

Gabriel released the pressure from the pack and the wolves all moved at once, following a silent command from their Alpha.

"Let's step out, shall we?" Rosabelle's lips curled, anger lighting up her eyes. 

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