Chapter 40

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Gabriel held onto the young wolf's wrist, squeezing until he saw Mitya wince. "That's my woman," he pulled the boy forward, whispering so the humans at the tables nearby would not hear. "If I didn't think it would upset her, I would have broken all of your fingers for attempting to touch her."

Mitya whimpered, not from the ache in his bones, but the pressure Gabriel was putting on his mind. Never again. Don't even look her way. Sofia's eyes were wide as she watched her boyfriend squirm. Peter and Katya looked on in surprise; they too could feel the force of his fury, but said nothing.

"Gabriel," Alex's voice was soft as she touched his arm. "Stop, please." Her look of confusion dissipated some of his anger. He let go of Mitya, but did not lessen the pressure: Apologise.

"S-sorry," Mitya bit out, his hands now free to hold his pounding head.

"He's sorry," Sofia pleaded, her eyes now teary. Gabriel ignored her and looked to Ivan. The Alpha had to acknowledge Alex as Gabriel's woman so his pack members would know not to go near her.

Ivan looked at Alex for a long moment, his expression strangely regretful as he spoke: "It is understood."

With his anger only partially quelled, Gabriel took Alex by the hand and turned away from the table. Waiters moved out of their way and the gazes of curious guests followed them, but he couldn't have cared less. Gabriel led her to her room, simply because it was closer than his and waited impatiently for her to open the door.

Don't scare her, he told himself. Calm down.

"Alright," Alex took a few steps into the room, switching on the lights as she went. "Are you going to explain what that was about?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that? What the hell did that bastard do for you to dump a plateful of food on his lap?" He was pulling his hand through his hair, wondering if he'd gone too easy on Mitya, when his eyes fell on the suitcase beside the door. Gabriel's whole body stilled. "What is that?"

Alex followed his gaze then answered simply, "My suitcase."

He walked over and lifted the thing, hoping it was empty. "Why is this packed, Alex?"

She tipped her chin up defiantly, "I'm leaving."

Fury was a living thing. "Why?" He walked towards her, perversely satisfied when Alex took a step back.

"Because I want to," she shrugged trying to look casual despite the slight waiver in her voice.

"Why?" He repeated again, now standing in front of her. "I told you I would help you find the one responsible for your parents deaths. I told you, you're mine."

Her eyes flared, "I don't want your help and I don't want you."

Gabriel grimaced against the stab of pain in his chest. "You're lying."

"I'm not!"

"You're lying," he said it again. It couldn't be. He couldn't be the only one who felt the pull, the only one who needed her. "If you can't be honest, Alex, then I'll find the truth for myself."

It was the only warning she would get. He kissed her before she could protest, cupping her head with one hand incase she pulled away. He needn't have bothered. Alex didn't pull away. Instead she kissed him back. His Alex. Her body was honest even when her eyes spat fire. But why? Why was she pretending? Changing the angle of the kiss, he slipped his tongue between her parted lips, while his fingers explored the softness of her curves, intent on making her delirious.

"Alex," he said her name softly, kissing his way down her neck as he walked her backward towards the closest wall. When he had her against the hard surface, Gabriel lifted one of her long legs around his hips and pushed forward. Feeling the hard length of him pressing against her, Alex whimpered. It was the sound he had been waiting for. "Why are you running away love?" He moved his hips, increasing the pressure as he reached out for her thoughts. They were a jumble, but what he could work out put a frown on his face. "How could you doubt I want you?" He kissed her hard, then stepped back.

Alex blinked, wrapping her arms around herself, visibly trying to gather her thoughts. Gabriel took another step back. She was feeling hurt. He needed her lucid so she would understand. "Alex, yesterday after I left you, I went to a nearby forest to run."

She blinked again, this woman who was always so contained and in control, now looked adorably confused. "To run?"

"Yes," he reached out to tuck a strand of stray hair behind her ear. "Werewolves like to run. It helps us blow off steam, or in the case of last night, it was meant to help stop me from pushing you too far."

"Too far?" She repeated, her eyes darting towards the door that led to her bedroom. "You're saying it was for me, but then why... at the lobby, with that wouldn't even look at me."

Gabriel's nostril's flared as he remembered how Luca and been holding her, "It was either that or I was going to knock Bisset's lights out for pawing at you."

"Pawing?" Her eyes opened wide and for a moment she looked like she might laugh.

"You find it amusing?" Gabriel growled, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her against him. "Don't push me, Alex. I don't want to scare you so I'm trying not to rush you, but I can't handle seeing someone else touching you."

She looked at him, her emerald eyes catching the light as she searched his face. Then she reached out, touching her fingertips to the soft stubble on his cheeks. "You don't scare me."

Shit. The last of his resistance fell away.

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