Chapter 22

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The guests of The Moncrief New York mingled in the busy lobby, their eyes shifting from their conversations ever so often to spot the celebrities that walked in and out of the hotel. From politicians to pop stars, businessmen to sightseers, if the security wasn't superb, the location would have been the holy grail of the paparazzi.

Gabriel nodded and smiled at acquaintances as he passed over glistening floors. He was taking note of the going's on while avoiding the gaze of beckoning women and trying to suppress his awareness of her.

Alex. She had been watching him all morning from under that black cap of hers, distracting him to no end. On the way to the airport, in the plane, in the car...despite being on the phone and busy, he felt her presence keenly. Even now, his sensitive ears picked up her light footsteps as she followed behind him.

She hadn't faltered at being surrounded by celebrities, not that he had expected her to. Why would she when even being dragged onto a flight with no explanation didn't seem to break through her calm demeanour.

Did nothing faze the woman?

No, that wasn't right. Twice she had been shaken, losing control for reasons unknown...and it was in those moments, that she opened her mind to him. By the elevators he discovered that she found him attractive, while yesterday, at the Gym he had read her desire as clear as day: Kiss me.

She wanted him. At least she had wanted him at that moment. It was impossible to tell what she was thinking now, not when she hadn't said a word since leaving the airport.

Her calmness rubbed him wrong. It might be childish, but he was used to females fawning over him. Women bothered him to no end, trying to get his attention to the point of becoming troublesome. Even now, two Latin beauties at reception turned their heads to watch him walk past, their eyes full of invitation. But Alex? The woman's unaffected attitude was driving him to distraction.

He wanted her out of control again.

"Welcome Mr Moncrief!" The Scandinavian werewolf that approached in an expensive Armani suit was all smiles. "We have readied the meeting room as per your instructions. The dishes have also been sent to your room."

"Thank you, Eirik." Gabriel took the suite keycard his hotel manager extended, then turned to the two people who had come to a standstill behind him. "Theo, Eirik will take you to set up. I'll be down after showing Chef Turner to the suite."

"Your suite? Sure thing," Theo's grin was so wide, it had Eirik looking from Gabriel to Alex with sudden curiosity.

The damned pup. Without thinking, Gabriel pulled Alex by the wrist towards the private elevators located at the rear of the lobby. People cast glances their way, intrigued by the sight of the famed Gabriel Moncrief with an unknown woman.

"You can let go now," Alex said, when they had come to stand in the elevator that would take them to the top floor.

Gabriel let go of her wrist, smoothing out his coat. "Don't let Theo bother you."

"He doesn't bother me."

Her meaning was not lost on him. Annoyed, Gabriel plucked her cap off her head and was satisfied to see her eyes light with surprise. He was done being the only one off-balance. "Do I bother you, Alex?"

She blinked a few times, then her shoulders squared and she was back on even ground. "You are aware that you dragged me to New York and have yet to tell me what on earth I'm doing here?"

Gabriel sighed. It was not what he wanted to hear, but she had a point. "There will be a charity cocktail in a few days. I would like you to be in charge of the appetisers, that's why I brought you here."

The elevator stopped, the doors opening onto the small corridor that led to the only room on the floor.

"You don't have to create anything new, I just want you to choose what should be served. Change up the menu. A few savoury and a few sweet dishes will do the trick. You can do that, can't you?"

He opened the doors to his New York residence, setting the key-card on the twelve-person dining table to the right. Alex came up behind him, taking in the view of Manhattan beyond the floor-to-ceiling windows, scanning the wall to wall bookshelves then noting the dishes of food that his staff had lined across the table.

"It's not in my job description to organise cocktail parties," she said, moving to the table.

He watched her nostrils flare and knew she was analyzing the scents. Gabriel still wasn't sure how her sense of smell could surpass his own, but so it was.

"Verdict?" He enquired casually.

"The squid is undercooked, the white pepper in the pasta has lost its flavour and -" she hesitated, her eyes rounding on him.

Gabriel almost laughed, "That bad?"

"Not at all," she grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. "These are the appetisers used in cocktails held at this hotel?"

"Yes. They are dishes that are loved among the elite," he agreed. "But I think you can come up with something more...Mama Fan."

"Hah!" Alex shook her head in amazement. "Busy morning my foot, you planned to make this request here all along so I wouldn't say no." She looked back to the windows and the snow that had begun to fall down the sides of the skyscrapers around them. "I could refuse and spend the day sight seeing, you know?"

"You could," Gabriel agreed, stepping closer till he could feel her warmth. She smelled good. Sweet. "But you won't. Since you love a challenge, love food, and..." he leaned in, watching her pupils dilate as he brought his lips close to hers, reaching for her thoughts. Her expression was soft, her eyes uncertain, but her mind was shut tight. He leaned back, watching her straighten her shoulders in surprise.

"And what?" She frowned, obviously not pleased that she had momentarily lost her composure. Gabriel on the other hand, couldn't have been more pleased.

"And, you don't have your red umbrella with you."

Alex's lips parted in surprise and all the triumph he felt at shaking her poise disappeared as a sharp stab of desire tightened his stomach. Tearing his gaze from her lips he cleared his throat. "The meeting will only take a few hours. You can ask Eirik for anything you want and we will see you back at the Lobby at 4pm for the flight back. "

"Alright Mr Moncrief, but I'm not doing this for free," Alex said.

Gabriel turned at the door, his brows raised. "Oh? And what do you want in return?"

"On the flight back, you will give me an hour of your time. No phones, no computer. I ask questions, you answer."

He frowned. Alex was asking for his time again, but there was no invitation in her eyes. She did want him, as he had proven just a moment ago, but it was a reluctant desire. So if she wasn't out to seduce him, what the hell was it that she wanted to know?

"Alright," Gabriel agreed.

"And it's not included in the time stipulated in my original contract," Alex added as she took off her coat and moved back to the table.

"Of course," Gabriel smirked, watching her close her eyes and take a deep breath. She was one of the most incomprehensible humans he had ever encountered. A truly strange woman. Gabriel was really going to have to find a way to stop wanting her.

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