Chapter 30

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"What the hell are you saying?" Gabriel growled even as images started flashing through his mind. The woman with the cast who had touched Alex right before she ran away. Alex passing out a few moments after touching the boy who's hand burned from the soup. And tonight, when he said he wouldn't hurt her...what had she said? You will, if you're hurt.

Damn it, it couldn't be! There were humans with strange abilities, he had met several, but this? It shouldn't be possible, and yet it would explain her strange behaviour and her refusal to be touched..."You're really absorbing pain?"

Alex looked away when he tried to catch her gaze.

"You found her?" Theo chose that moment to burst into the room.

Gabriel glared at his cousin, then reminded himself why they were here. The pain absorbing they would talk about later. Right now he had to fulfil his responsibilities as Alpha and leader of Lupus by upholding the law. "Bertie, give her pain relief and make her forget."

Alex's eyes shot back to him in surprise, "Forget?" Her expression wary, she followed Bertie's movements around the room as he opened and closed drawers. "What do you mean, forget? What are you talking about?" When Bertie began unwrapping a fresh syringe, she made to get out of the chair. Gabriel held her down easily, his chest filling with remorse when he saw the look of fear in her eyes.

"It will not hurt, I promise."

"Get off me!" Alex bucked uselessly beneath his hand then began fighting in earnest.

Gabriel caught a fist flying at his face and pushed it down to the chair, "Calm down, Alex. There's really nothing to be afraid of." He had to use both hands to restrain her arms, but then she began kicking at him. Gabriel shook his head to hold off Theo who approached to help. This was his fault. She was going through this because of him. If it would make her feel better, she could kick him all she liked. As long as she didn't hurt herself, it was fine with him.

"Listen, Alex. You can't know about us, that is the law. This will just make you forget about tonight, that's all." Her kicks were starting to lose power, but she was still trying to shift her arms. He saw Bertie finish filling the syringe, and tried one more time to calm her. "Tomorrow you'll wake up having forgotten about today. Then I promise you, I will make this all up to you. I will give you whatever you ask of me. Just please, stop struggling. You're making this harder on yourself."

Suddenly, Alex stopped moving and looked him straight in the eyes. "I hate you."

Gabriel smiled wistfully, remembering the way she had kissed him only hours ago. If Marianne had not burst into the room, he would have made Alex his by now. Not even her innocence would have stopped him. Something about this woman pulled at his soul.

Gabriel knew there was no use in denying it any longer. She was meant to be his woman. One night with her would never be enough and getting her out of his system? He had been ready to tear the world apart when she was in danger earlier; there was no way he would be forgetting this woman any time soon. As for the fact that she was a Human? Well it only meant that he would have to keep a part of himself secret from her. "You might hate me now, Alex, but tomorrow I will make you love me."

The anger on her face turned to surprise, then loathing, "I will never love you."

Gabriel bit back the retort that sprung to his lips. She would change her mind, he would make sure of it.

"Alpha?" Bertie questioned, his expression uncertain as he looked between them. "Shall we begin?"

Gabriel looked down at Alex's furious eyes, then nodded. Once all of this was forgotten, he would start from scratch. He would court her properly and ensure she never looked at him this way again.

Bertie stepped forward, holding a blue pill out to Alex's lips, "This is to make the pain go away."

She turned her head, "I don't want it."

"Don't be stubborn!" Gabriel frowned.

"Hah!" The bitter tone of her laugh vibrated through the room. "It's my blasted pain and I want to keep it! Or is that against your laws, too?"

Gabriel understood that she was trying to retain a semblance of control, so no matter how much it irked him, he didn't push it. "Just do the injection."

Bertie nodded, "I'm sorry luv, I just need to move this a little." He pulled Gabriel's jacket enough to reveal the bit of skin under her shoulder, then removed the cap of the syringe. "Just take a deep breath."

Alex said nothing as the injection was administered. Her eyes glued to the ceiling giving none of her feelings away, until she drifted to sleep.

"Well, that was uncomfortable," Bertie grimaced, throwing the used tools away.

Gabriel couldn't have agreed more, but at least it was done. Now they had a few things to sort, before he moved Alex back to the hotel. He lifted her listless upper body and gently removed his jacket.

"Clean and bandage her cut, Bertie, give her an injection for the pain. And use some of your special healing cream so it doesn't scar."

"Right away," the professor gave him a mock salute.

Theo came to stand beside him, his eyes on Alex's sleeping form. "Why did we do this, Gabriel? I can sense how you are feeling. If you want her as your mate, you could have asked her to Turn."

"Human's don't Turn, even for those they claim to love," Gabriel reminded him. Then he sighed, "Call Delores, we need to settle Marianne's punishment."

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