Chapter 50

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"This was just..."

Gabriel watched his mother struggle for words as her hands waved over her now empty bowl. He knew exactly how she felt, he had not known how to describe Alex's cooking the first time he tried it either.

"It's just soup, but how can it be so..." his dad joined in, then not managing to find a description, he put the last spoonful into his mouth and closed his eyes in pleasure.

"Perfect?" Gabriel offered with a smile.

Mathew and Francesca Moncrief, two of the most respected werewolves in the world, were completely bewitched by Alex's talent. His chest swelling with pride, Gabriel leaned back and let the aromas of his own dish fill him with warmth.

"Hah!" Angela burst out laughing beside him, drawing confused looks from their parents. "Sorry, sorry," she held up her palms, looking from Mathew to Francesa, "but seriously, have you ever seen him look that proud?"

Gabriel narrowed his eyes at his amused sibling. After their encounter in his office, he had told Angela the truth about what happened to Alex. She was horrified at first, but then understood the need for secrecy. It was uncertain how the council would react to a half-turned human and one way or another, they would force Alex to turn. He didn't want her cornered that way.

Angela didn't seem the least bit worried about Alex's choice and was tickled pink when Gabriel admitted he was having issues controlling his emotions since they met. His sister thought it was high time that an emotionless-ice-machine like him, lost control. The traitor.

"He should be proud of bringing such an amazing Chef to Boston!" Mathew squeezed his shoulder in a gesture of approval. "I remember having Chef Bisset's cooking in Paris years ago. It was excellent even then, but this is on an entirely different level!"

"That's because this isn't Luca's cooking," Gabriel said. "It was made by a Chef I found in Hong Kong."

"A Chef from Hong Kong?" His mom looked surprised, "But I thought Luca was Head Chef here?"

"That's right, I'm sure I saw Luca's name at the entrance," his dad added, confused.

"He is Head Chef," Gabriel explained, pouring more sparkling water in his mom's empty glass. "I brought Alex in to work with him to create Petrichor's new menu. She wouldn't agree to being Head Chef, so I had to improvise."

"Oh?" His dad looked intrigued, "Well you better find a way to tie her down son, even if not at Petrichor, we should keep her within Moncrief Group."

Angela covered another laugh before sending him a wink, "Yeah Gabriel, tie her down."

His sister was trying to push his buttons, but his mood was far too good for him to get annoyed. After the election tomorrow, he was planning on  taking a long vacation. He had to pour all his energy into Alex. She needed to be as addicted to him as he was to her; that way she would agree to stay with him.

His hand dipped into his pocket where the vial Bertie prepared sat, wrapped in protective material. The cylinder had Gabriel's blood inside and would be the tool for Alex to complete her Turn.

"Excuse me for a moment," he stood, unable to resist the urge to see Alex any longer. He really needed to get his bloody wolf to calm the hell down. It was constantly pushing at him to find their mate, anxious in case she should escape.

"Where are you going?" Angela teased, the smile in her eyes telling him that she already knew. Despite her reputation as a cold and relentless business woman, his sister had a ridiculously childish side.

"I'm going to see if I can bring the Chef out to meet you guys."

"Oh, that would be brilliant." His mom wore a delighted smile and her steady blue eyes looked into his. "I can't wait to meet this, Alex."

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