Chapter 53

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Champagne flowed freely under the glittering chandeliers of the Lupus Corp event room. Expensive canapés circled women in limited edition cocktail dresses and men in handmade suits. The entire place smelled of money and bergamot and Alex was literally the only non-werewolf in attendance.

Resisting the urge to pull down on the short skirt of her dress, she tried to relax her shoulders and looked around. When the hotel manager first brought over several bags of clothes and an invitation to celebrate Gabriel's election win, her instinct had been to refuse. After seeing Katya coming out of his suite, Alex had spent the whole night thinking and came to the scary realisation that she had developed feelings, very strong feelings for Alpha of the Moncrief Pack.

It was a complete disaster.

She'd felt passing affection for some boys before the car accident, it wasn't like she had never had a crush, but after waking from the comma there had been nothing more of the sort. This was the first time in her life that she felt this attached to someone and it scared the crap out of her. And it was precisely that fear which pushed her into coming here tonight.

She was not going to be a coward anymore. Not about her feelings, nor about her future.

Alex adjusted the chain of the classic Chanel bag that she had found in the shopping bags alongside the boots and dress. Inside the black leather she carried a slim wallet, a phone and a vial of blood.

Last night, Alex had accepted not only that she had feelings for Gabriel, but also that she would do anything to be able to see James again.

She had decided to Turn, but she just wasn't sure if she wanted to complete the transition with this vial. What if she pushed herself into becoming even more attached to Gabriel by using his blood? If he didn't return her feelings, joining his pack would only lead to misery and she wanted to Turn for a happier life, not a miserable one.

Yes, she would Turn, but first she had to find out how Gabriel felt about her and it had to be done tonight. If he was playing games, she would be leaving for Hong Kong on her own.

Alex was taking back control of her life. She would Turn on her own terms, would find the killer of her parents with her new knowledge and would stand in front of her brother and admit the truth.

"Alex!" Angela's voice was a welcome interruption to her heavy thoughts. Looking gorgeous in an elegant burgundy dress, the businesswoman gave her a red-lipped pout, "Thank god you are here, I've been bored to tears. Come, let me introduce you to some people."

"Oh, alright," Alex was conscious that Angela purposefully did not touch her as they walked side by side into the room.

"Gabriel is not going to be pleased," Angela said suddenly, laughter in her voice. She nodded her head towards a group of handsome men lifting their champagne glasses in their direction. "I mean look at those guys, they are basically drooling at the sight of you!"

Alex shook her head in denial, "They are looking at you, Angela. You are gorgeous."

Gabriel's sister blinked, then gave her a look of surprise. "My brother is lucky that you don't realise how hot you are. Otherwise, why would you settle for him, right?"

Alex couldn't help laughing at the absurdity of that statement. Settle? Gabriel Moncrief was literally every woman's dream. Outrageously smart, generous, gorgeous and filthy rich. In what world could being with him be considered settling?

"Ah, here we are." Angela stopped beside a middle-aged couple who were surrounded by a large group of what looked like admirers. "Mom, dad, I've brought someone I'd like you to meet."

At Angela's announcement, the couple turned, the young werewolves around them immediately dispersing to give them space. 

Alex resisted the urge to squirm under the warm gaze of Francesca Moncrief. She had seen pictures of Gabriel's parents when she did some background research on him before coming to Boston. It was difficult to imagine what kind of gene the Moncrief's had passing around in their family that made each of them look like they had sprung out of a fairytale. A warm and cozy fairytale full of beautiful, smiling royals...

"This is Alex Turner," Angela began, but she got no further when her mother jumped in.

"Oh, of course! The amazing Chef who gave us a meal of a life time yesterday evening!" Francesca smiled.

"It was my pleasure to be of service," Alex said.

"You really have a special gift!" It was Mathew Moncrief who was smiling at her now. "You will cook for us again, won't you? I'd hate to think I'll never get to taste food like that again."

Heat crept up her neck, flushing her cheeks. Their excessive praise was so unexpected, she wasn't sure how to react. They were famous billionaires, revered among socialites and werewolf royalty as well, while she was just a Chef in one of their many restaurants. Shouldn't they have been a bit...less approachable?

"Come on guys, tone it down," Angela laughed, "You've embarrassed her pink."

"Oh no, please don't be embarrassed," Francesca reached forward to pat her hand.

Alex resisted the instinct to pull away, not wanting to look cold in front of them and braced herself for pain. But nothing happened. There was no pain. Had Gabriel inherited his steal-like control from his mother then? Alex was so amazed by the discovery, that it took her a moment to realise the older woman wore a similar look of astonishment on her face.

Francesca released her hand, looking at her own in confusion.

"Alex is special," Angela said, noting her mother's look. Then amusement seeped into her tone, "Very special, especially to my dear brother, right Gabriel?"

Gabriel? Alex turned in the direction of Angela's gaze and swallowed hard. From the shine on his boots to the buttons of his dark grey, double-breasted suit; it had to be a sin for a man to look that good. When her eyes finished taking in every inch of him, he caught her gaze, the smile lurking at the corner of his mouth telling her he knew what she was thinking.

Damn it, was he reading her mind again? She turned her head back quickly, then almost jumped when Gabriel's hand suddenly grabbed hers.

What the hell was he doing? A quick look around revealed that not only had his parents noted the gesture, so had half the people in the ballroom. If the ground split open at that moment, she would have jumped in happily. 

"Alex is very special. Now if only I could get her to see that I'm not half bad myself." Gabriel looked to his parents, who were watching him with bemusement. "I trust you will put in a good word for me?"

Alex couldn't take it anymore. "Have you lost your mind?!" She hissed, jabbing him with her elbow when he didn't let go of her hand.

"I'm beginning to think I have." His parents watched Gabriel rub at the spot she'd got him, then they burst out with laughter.

Dying of embarrassment, Alex looked from the laughing couple to Gabriel's annoyed face and contemplated running. To hell with not being a coward, this was a total disaster!

"Sorry, Alex. It's just that none of us have ever seen Gabriel like this," Angela said, trying to explain.

"It's true," Francesca shook her head with disbelief. "Gabriel has always been such a serious boy..." her words trailed off, her eyes filling with love as she regarded her son. Then she was looking towards Alex, "I'm glad. Very glad that he has met you."

What did she mean? Alex looked at Gabriel, not quite daring to trust the warm feeling spreading in her chest, but he was not paying attention.

"Damn it," he muttered, then with a quick 'we'll be back later' he was pulling her towards the exit.

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