chapter five

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she had the voice of an actual angel.

it's kind of funny if you think about it. she looked so ethereal in every way, from her voice to her smile to her ocean eyes. but at the same time there was something so dark about her.

i mean, i wouldnt say dark. dark is such a loaded word. but between the chains, and the all black clothes, and the dirty jokes and dirty words that left her mouth every few minutes, she kind of seemed way less angelical, to say the least.

i stood there as the music echoed through the room, almost getting whiplash from the way she was somehow everything at once...i swear to god man, she's so perfect.

it kind of makes me feel stupid. just to think about the power she held over me and the things she could make me do if she so wanted to.

she saw me in the crowd and giggled, giving me a little wink, never interrupting the song though. there were some covers on the setlist, some beatles and shit like that but also some original ones (or at least songs i hadnt heard before). they were really good. made me worry for her though.

again it was funny cause they could be very opposite. some of them were very deppressing and like "i hate myself" and very slow tempo but some of them were wiiilld. cocky, full-of-herself, bad bitch type lyrics and the beat went so hard. also not to be weird or anything but some of these lyrics made her sound kinky as hell.

it was so cool to see how comfortable she felt on stage and how much she genuinely enjoyed that shit. she jumped super high when the beat got faster and she danced around and screamed at the top of her lungs interacting with the small crowd. its like she was in her natural habitat or something.

i waited til the show was over and she came to the back to talk to me.

-hey, you came- she smiled.

-of course i did. - i smiled back, shyly.

-did you enjoy yourself? - she teased.

-yes, very much i did. - i paused and we both chuckled. - for real though, you were... fucking amazing.

-do you... do you wanna get out of here?- she asked randomly.

-i mean, sure. where do you wanna go?

-i dont know. taco bell? whatever you want.

-yeah, taco bell sounds great.

she started walking to her car without saying nothing, just expecting that id follow along. we got in her matte black dodger and she drove to the taco bell drive through.

-what do you want?- she asked as we were about to order.

-uhm, i'll have whatever you're having. - its taco bell so... you can't really go wrong. she ordered two black bean burrito for us and then drove off.

-where are we going?

-i dont know, man. i dont wanna go to any specific place right now, i kind of just wanna drive... if thats cool with you.

-yea, totally.

-great - she gave me that cute little smile of hers, satisfied.

we stayed in silence for a few minutes, just eating our burritos and staring out at the road.

i didnt mind it, to be honest. this is weird to say cause we barely knew each other but for some reason i was comfortable enough with her to just stay with her in silent. and it wasn't awkward, and it was like we had this unspoken agreement that we'd just sit there and enjoy each other's presence... friendship... whatever.

we finished eating and she was eyeing me through her lashes from time to time, but there was also an unspoken agreement that we didnt mention the rising tension between us.

-keep your eyes on the road. - i teased her.

-what, you saying im not a good driver? - she pretended to be offended.

-im saying if you dont stop staring at me youre probably gonna put us in danger, so either stop with that and keep looking straight or park the car somewhere and tell me what youre really thinking.

she said nothing, just pulled the car on the side of the road and parked there, now staring dead into my eyes.

-there you go. - she said, to which i let out a small laugh.

-you think youre so funny. - i joked, but she didn't laugh. she seemed almost too focused, fixating her eyes on me, looking up and down my body, biting her lip.

-holy fuck. - she sighed.


-youre really pretty, 'd you know that?

-youre only now realizing? - i said raising my eyebrows, in a failed attempt to ease the tension between us.

-bryana, im being serious. - she came closer to me and put her hand on my thigh. my name leaving her mouth made it sound so much prettier.

she rose her hand higher and higher up my thigh, almost making it to my crotch area. i was nervous and you could see it in my eyes, but i wanted it so bad.

-this ok?- she asked.

-im not sure if we should do this- i said as i let out a breath i didnt know i was holding. but i knew at that point that i was not physically able to resist her and would give in soon. i was scared to start shit and i knew this could end badly for me but at that moment i did not give a fuck.

-why not?

-because you have a boyfriend.

-hes not my boyfriend. - she was now placing her hand over my throat, getting closer and closer to my ear so she could whisper really low. - i can fuck you right here right now on my backseat...

i almost moaned just hearing her say that and feeling her hitched breath on my neck.

-if you dont want to thats fine though. - she continued, knowing exactly what she was doing and how weak those words would make me.

i pulled her lips into mine. aggressively. passionately. its like i had no idea how to respond to that, but my body did, so i just let it, as i unbuckled my seatbelt and went to the backseat with her.

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