chapter twelve

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billie's pov

the pain of the tattoo gun never really bothered me. it was kind of pleasurable, in some masochistic way- and to be one hundred percent honest, it's one of the reasons i haven't self harmed in years.
weirdly, i trusted bry to tattoo me. she wasn't a professional, but i knew she'd done it before.
the drawing of a crown she was doing in my right arm was incredibly... visible. i knew it was like putting a big target on my back, but i didnt give a shit. id take a bullet for her in a second, no questions asked. i also knew it was too soon to be saying this type of shit and waaay too soon to be falling for her as hard as i was, but still- it happened. ive never fallen for anyone as hard as i did for her. free fall, fully out of my control. and as scary as it was, i felt so unafraid around her.
-there you go- she said, spilling alcohol on the tat and wiping it with a piece of paper.
i smiled excitedly as i felt a chill of excitement down my spine. i couldnt believe id just done that for her.
-now youre officially a reyes, babe.
-this is... fucking insane.
-yeah, you tell me - she laughed. - the only reason im letting this happen is because i know your annoying ass wouldnt stop until i gave in.
she sighed and looked to the distance with a worried expression on her face.
-but its fine. everything's gonna be just fine for you. i'll protect you. - she said, putting my hair behind my ear.
-bry, i dont need protecting -i laughed. and i meant it. i knew what i was getting into, and i didn't care. - i only need you.
-shit, when did we become /that/ couple?
we both laughed and i went in to kiss her. my heart raced as i did so and i realized i was absolutely fucked; in other words- i was hopelessly in love with her.

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bryana's pov
-hey, listen up- i got up a chair and yelled to make sure everyone was listening. - billie is now a part of the family. matter of fact, from now on you answer to her as well as you answer to me and diego.
-just like that? white girl arrives here and in 15 minutes she already think she the queen of the block? - someone yelled.
-i dont even see a single bruise on her face, youre just letting her in cause she asked or some shit? this is bullshit, bry, and you know it. - said another voice.
i was ashamed, cause i knew they were right. i was being unfair.
-there are exceptions to every rule... this is that exception. i have my reasons and i dont have to explain them to you. if you have that big a problem with it, i can jump you out if you want.
i gulped, reflecting on what i was saying. it was bad for me.
-new rule: no one's getting jumped anymore. from now on whoever wants our protection or wants to join the gang for whatever reason will go through a rite of passage to prove their loyalty and how useful they can be to us. it weeds out the weak... and the motherfuckers with nothing to offer. - that sounds reasonable, right? right. it does. im so smart.
-did billie go through the rite of passage? - another person asked.
-of course she went through the rite of passage. - i answered in a condescending way. that is, if you count railing me til i cant walk as a rite of passage...
-but the old rules still apply to the people who are already here.
-meaning you cant just asked to leave without suffering the consequences.
the things id do for this girl... theres nothing that i wouldn't.
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i was cleaning up stuff with diego and some of the guys at the end of the night. most people had already left, including billie, but i saw matthew suddenly come at me, an angry look on his face.

-what did you do that for? - there was rage in his voice.

-what the fuck are you talking about?

-why did you let her join? what's happening between you two?

-why you mad? you like her, right? i thought you'd be happy.

-bryana, are you FUCKING MY GIRLFRIEND? - he yelled, hitting the wall.

i firmly squeezed his cheeks with my hand, making him look at me.

-matthew, youre crossing a line. remember whose house youre in. remember who you answer to. again, if you have a problem, i'd be HAPPY to jump you out.

-no, you're crossing a line! - he said, even louder this time. - you know what? fuck you. fuck all of you.

he stormed out of the house and didn't clarify any further. ok, i guess.

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