chapter eight

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billie's pov

matthew got on my last nerves.

but i'd be lying if i said there wasn't a part of me that liked him. like, really, liked him. he was sweet and caring and funny and it was easy to like him. he took me on dates to fancy restaurants where guys my age didn't. he made me feel important and i like, actually held a somewhat important place in his life, while everyone else i'd been with was just... playing with me. didn't have time for me. didn't.... i don't even know.

plus, i liked life with him, if that makes sense. i loved dragon, but i also loved the rush and the wind on my face when we were riding his motorcycle, i loved the places he took me to that felt dangerous and messy and new. it was exciting. and it made me feel grown. it made me feel like someone.

it was a confusing time in my life where i was just going with it, chasing whatever made me feel alive at that moment. which was another reason i didnt wanna label whatever we had. that annoyed him, but i didn't give a fuck.

i was also really doing something with my music, and i really felt like i was going somewhere, and that was helping me put myself out of a really weird, dark place i'd been in for a looong while.

i was doing my little dance with finneas on stage, playing around with him and having the time of my life when i spotted bry in the crowd.

i knew id invited her but i was lowkey surprised that she actually came. i giggled a little and gave her a wink, hinting i wanted to see her after.

i got off stage around 11 PM and immediately went to search for her. i gave her a little hug and asked if she had enjoyed the show and it was pretty chill until i saw matthew enter through the back.

look, it's nothing against him, and it's not that i didn't wanna see him, i just didn't wanna see him there and then.

i wanted to spend some time with bry and i knew his ass would make it awkward and end up making me focus all my attention on him, so i just tried to get us out of there as fast as possible without him noticing and suggested we went to get taco bell, and she was down.

bry was so pretty. like, effortlessly pretty. and i kind of felt like i shouldn't be drawn to her like that but i also didn't really care...

i love driving around at night, and i loooovee taco bell, so i just wanted to do that and not think about anything. i stayed staring at her from time to time though cause i'm still human and it was really hard not to.

she was wearing a pleated school girl skirt and that shit drove me fucking crazy. you could see her thighs from where i was, which had a crown tattoo on them.

matt had one just like that on his back...

i think she noticed i was staring cause she started teasing me about keeping my eyes on the road... i didn't care if she caught me lurking though. i didn't mind her knowing that i wanted her, because i did. and having her on my backseat was the only thought in my head in that moment. head totally empty except for me wondering what her moans would sound like.

she kept pressuring me to pull over and park as if she was actually worried about our safety with me behind the wheel, which was offensive to me. bitch, i drive funly. but i obliged.

my thoughts drifted away while she teased me and joked around, trying to break the obvious tension between us, but it became clear that it wasn't working when i just let out a "holy fuck" while checking her body up and down.

-what?- she asked. it's cute how oblivious she what.

-you're really pretty, 'd you know that?- i said getting closer to her and hoping she would take the hint.

-you're only now realizing?

-bryana, i'm being serious. - i put my hand on her thigh and watched her breath start to go wild as i went higher up. - this ok? - i asked, since she was starting to look a little uncomfortable.

-i'm not sure if we should do this...

-why not?

-because you have a boyfriend- she simply answered. i swear to god if that musty mf got in the way of this i'd fucking kill him.

-he's not my boyfriend. - i said, grabbing her throat, then leaning in closer to whisper in her ear: - i could fuck you right here and now on my backseat...

i paused, giving her time to think about it, though the effect my words were having on her body made her response pretty obvious.

-if you dont want to thats fine though.

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