the dream

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Izukus *POV* 

as I woke up in a place I saw 8 figures and one walked up to me he looked familiar I got scared but couldn't move he then put his left hand on my head I flinched and looked at him he then said

All might: izuku midoriya you to can become a hero you must be thinking how well *takes hand of his head and holds it up with a bright light looking like a rainbow* this is the power of OFA it is a great power you can't be born with it you can only be given it and you izuku you are the ninth *explains AFO and OFA* i know what your thinking you think your weak but your stronger I will teach you how to use this and make it your own power 

Izuku,s *POV* as he said all this stuff I felt like crying I didn't know what to do I just listened 

All might I am the first one that will teach you about OFA 

Narrator Izuku then woke up 

Izuku *wakes up panting hard and sees his right arm glowing and feels stronger*

Narrator skip 3 years people began to bully and beat izuku up they blamed him for all might,s death some even went further school life was even harder handling all that trauma and negative emotions he had however izuku still worked out on OFA he could use 20 percent but he believed he was to weak so only used 5 izuku,s mental and physical Heath was not good he would now flinch and stutter sometimes he even had panic attacks all might kept on believing in izuku as he  believed he could beat AFO It is 10 months till middle school ended 

Teacher *comes in* ok class today where gonna be talking about your future

Narrator The class groaned except for bakugo and izuku 

Teacher just kidding I know you all want to be heroes 

Narrator The class started using there quirks except For bakugo and izuku 

Teacher calm down now

Narrator the class stopped 

Teacher looks like two people want to go to ua katuski bakugo and izuku midoriya 

Narrator Everyone then began to laugh at izuku 

Bakugo *gets up from his desk and walks over to izukus and explodes it* 

Izuku *falls off his desk and looks up in fear* 

Bakugo useless deku what does a villain like you need to go to ua you quirkless bitch 

Izuku *gets up grabbing his bag and runs out of the school to home* 

Izukus *POV* as I ran home sad and scared for my life oof what my mom was gonna do I saw my house and walks on the porch and gently opened the door

Izuku *opens the door and closes it* 

Inko *goes to izuku and slaps him* your teacher told me you skipped school he also said you wanted to go to ua explain 

Izuku I-I'm j-just g-going t-to b-be s-support 

Inko HA your still be useless *shoves izuku to the ground and starts kicking him*

Skip 10 months izuku has been training for the entrance exam and it's now the day of it and he's pretty nervous

Izuku the ninth of OFAWhere stories live. Discover now