My hero

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Meaningless hi peeps i will be finishing this story today I hope so I can finish my other one tomorrow and then progress with the 5 stories I already thought of one by one so I don't keep y'all waiting I'm guessing you guys will be kinda shocked by one of the ships I have for one of the stories well not surprised anyways that story will be out in like a week cause the story after I finish this and the other one will be like 3 to 5 parts or I could just finish it in a day without further ado let's start so you know how I told y'all there was gonna be time skips well there's only gone be two and right now I'm skipping to when the training camp has been attacked by the LOV everything before that happened like in canon don't worry I know what I'm doing

Pixie-bob kota kota! has anybody seen kota 

Izuku (wait kota never came back from the) pixie bob I know where he is 

Pixie-bob go get him for me your the fastest one here I'll stay and help and come back safe 

Izuku right *activates OFA full cowling 10 percent and speeds off to kota*

Kota *backing up in fear while tears or falling down his face*  

Muscular now hold still kid this will hurt a lot *smirks and throws a punch* 

Izuku *sees and speeds up to 15 percent just in time to get kota out of the way* 

Muscular *punches the ground making a crack in it* 

Izuku *gets up* kota get behind me

Muscular so your Izuku aizawa you were also on the list have you seen a katuski bakugo by any chance 

Izuku (kacchan) *puts his guard up*

Muscular come on this can all go smoothly I kill the kid and you don't get hurt or we can do this do hard way I kill the kid and I take you by force 

Izuku I won't let you lay a finger on him I'll protect him from you *activates OFA 25 percent* (I don't know what his quirk is so I'll should probably use my limit *activates danger sence* 

Muscular have it your way brat you asked for this *runs at him and throws a punch* 

Izuku *puts his arms up in defense* 

Muscular *hits his arms and activates his quirk and then punches him in the gut with his other arm sending him crashing into the side of the mountain*

Izuku *puts his guard down on impact

Muscular *staarts throwing punches sending him deeper into the mountain*

Izuku *has his guard up again* (I gotta move a part of the mountain might collapse on me)

Muscular *pulls his fist back and activates his quirk covering his whole arm in a big muscle and punches him* 

Izuku *moved out of the way just in time* 

Muscular *hits the mountain and a big chunk of it falls down on top of him* 

Izuku *grabs kota out of the way cause a big rock was bout to fall on him* 

Kota *holds onto him tightly* 

Izuku let's get out of here *panting and starts to walk down the mountain when he senses something and hears walks move* (he isn't right) *puts kota down and faces the rocks that fell on muscular* 

Kota *gets behind Izuku while crying a little* 

Muscular *escapes out of the rocks and walks out while bleeding from his back head the arm he punches the mountain with and his chest a little* 

Muscular *escapes out of the rocks and walks out while bleeding from his back head the arm he punches the mountain with and his chest a little* 

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Meaningless imagine it being a mountain and falling on a human and imagine how muscular looks now 

Muscular *can barely walk* if I die... IM TAKING YOU TWO WITH ME *starts running at them in full speed* 

Izuku *five black whips come out of each arm and runs at muscular while wrapping 5 around him then kicks him in the side of his face* 

Muscular *grunts in pain and falls to one knee then pulls on the black whips pulling Izuku close and punches him in the face unable to activate his quirk* 

Izuku *grunts in pain the falls on his back hitting his head hard* 

Muscular *gets up weakly and starts slowly walking to izuku* do you think you can beat me you brat I am the definition of strength tuffness you name it I got it *starts making a fist and pulls his arm back* you think you can save people you you can't even save a kid your just a little pebble *feels a splash of water hit him* 

Kota STOP *crying* is that- is that how you toyed with my parents how you killed them

Muscular *lets his guard down* I killed them cause they made me angry and wouldn't get out of my way they also gave me this *points to his missing eye* so I killed them and I loved it the bloodshed there screams there cries or was like music to my ears 

Izuku *gets up weakly and stumbles* shut up you sick bastard.....

Muscular hm? What you say brat 

Izuku I said... SHUT UP YOU SICK BASTARD *activates OFA at 50 percent in one of his arms then punches him in the face sending him crashing into the side of the mountain*

Muscular *hits the mountain and falls then gets up weakly while laughing like a psycho* DIDNT I SAY I WAS TAKING YOU TWO WITH MW *losing a lot of blood then turns to the mountain then activates his quirk forcefully until his right arm looks like a giant pimple made out of muscles then punches the mountain*

Meaningless the mountain then started shaking and cracking rocks started to fall the big ones Izuku quickly grabbed kota and started running down the mountain leaving muscular under a big mess of rocks when a big shake made him lose his Balance  and fell off it luckily it wasn't a big fall only like a medium one he fell on his back while carrying kota he then said weakly 

Izuku kota.... You gotta go to this cats....

Kota *pops his head up quickly* w-what b-but w-what about you 

Izuku I'll be right behind you in a minute I just gotta catch my breath *smiles* it is my job as a hero to protect 

Kota POV as he said that I then remembered what one of cats said to me why heroes do what they do why one day I will have someone that will be my hero... I then got off Izuku and said 

Kota you better be right behind me *as tears flow down from his face* 

Izuku *chuckles* sure thing now go on 

Kota mhm *turns around and starts running back to the camp fast* 

Izuku *closes his eyes as he faints*

??? well well well my job got easier and I didn't even have to lift a finger 

Meaningless hope you all liked it cya peeps

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