The end of the LOV

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Meaningless hi guys I'll make the other part later at midnight cause it's gonna be long I was thinking bout making other parts but no this story is almost like done already well not done it's gonna be done today... shit I just realized I'm a rucking retard well been knew that I forgot to give Izuku smoke screen when he was fighting muscular ima just say he did get it while fighting him cause then I have to do all that changing this and yeah anyways let's start 

Izuku POV as I began waking up adjusting to the light I began to realize I'm not at the camp I start to check my surroundings to soon find I'm tied to a chair with a quirk canceler on me my arms are restrained I then realize I'm in a bar I see two people sitting down at a bar table one behind the counter three standing at corners looking at the floor 

Shigiraki so your finally awake... *takes a sip of his drink then gets up from the stool* we can do this the hard way or the easy way *walks right by Izuku* will you join the league of villains or no 

Toga if he dosent join can I have his blood oh please shaggy just by looking at him I can tell it will be good 

Shigiraki I told you to not call me that 

Izuku not ever in your dreams will I join so do your worst *serious face*

Shigiraki why you little- 

AFO *walks in the bar* calm down shigiraki I need him... 

Kurogiri master your late by a few minutes did something happen?

AFO I was delayed by some heroes *walls to izuku and heals his wound with a healing quirk* where's muscular?

shigiraki that brat took him out more like he pushed him into doing suicide 

AFO hmmm so your Izuku or should I say Izuku midoriya... 

Izuku how did you-

AFO never mind that you got something I want I think you know what it is... 

Izuku (is he talking about OFA... wait is he?) 

AFO you have OFA don't you well... how do I get it tell me are suffer *serious tone*

Izuku *scared but shakes it off* never

AFO well then- 

??? *knocks on the door* pizza delivery 

Meaningless the whole bar goes by for a few seconds then.... 

endeavor *breaks threw the wall knocking at spinner and other heroes right behind him*KAMI WOODS NOW 

Kami woods *wraps the LOV up in tree branches* 

Shigiraki no.. no... NO *nomus start trying to escape a clay portal type thing but gets teleported out of there along with the rest of the LOV* 

Endeavor *reaches for izuku but that same clay thing surrounds him and teleports him out* NO

Izuku *comes out of that clay thing coughing* 

AFO *grabs him by his hair* tell me how to take OFA NOW 

endeavor *tackles AFO out off the way* 

Izuku *stumbles back* 

LOV *surround Izuku*

Toga *licks her lips* time for blood!

Meaningless just then 5 figures landed by Izuku 

Bakugo *standing with Lida Uraraka momo and todoroki by Izuku* get away from the damn nerd you freaks 

Shigiraki looks like this just got more fun 

Izuku what are y'all doing here 

Bakugo came to save you deku 

toga more blood 

Izuku *activates OFA full cowling 10 percent* 

Mr compress *starts to pull out marbles* 

bakugo NO YOU DONT *propels himself towards him and grabs him by the face and slams his head into the ground while popping explosions*

Uraraka *runs at toga and starts fighting her* 

Lida *fighting kurogiri* 

Momo *makes a staff*

twice *makes many copies of himself and run at momo* 

Momo this is gone be exhausting *runs at the twice and starts battling them* 

Shigiraki *standing across from bakugo and izuku* 

Bakugo *pops explosions and runs at shigiraki* 

Izuku *runs at shigiraki to* 

Shigiraki *tries to decay bakugo* 

Bakugo *dodges and hits him with an explosion* 

Shigiraki *dodges*

Izuku *tries to kick shigiraki in the back of the head* 

Shigiraki *turns around and tries to decay his leg* 

Izuku *eyes widen and uses the one leg he's standing on to do a backflip* 

Shigiraki *elbows bakugo in the face then turns around and tries to decay he whole head* 

Bakugo *pops a big explosion blowing everyone in range back* 

Izuku *hits the ground landing by Uraraka Lida bakugo and momo* 

Shigiraki *hits the ground then gets up with kurogiri*

Meaningless it's just those seven standing while toga and twice or knocked out dew to the impact and exhaustion 

Shigiraki kurogiri!

kurogiri *opens two warp gates by shigiraki and one by Izuku and bakugo 

Shigiraki *shoves his hands threw both of them* 

Bakudeku *dodges* 

Bakugo *propels himself towards kurogiri with Lida following him* 

Izuku *wraps black whip around shigiraki and then runs to him activating OFA at 10 percent in his left arm to his fist and starts punching shigiraki till he falls onto the ground knocked out 

Bakugo *grabs kurogiris medal thing and pops a lot of explosions then let's go* 

Lida HIYA *kicks him in the medal part hard* 

Kurogiri *falls over knocked out*

Izuku (now with AFO) *starts running where endeavor and AFO are fighting*

Meaningless ima end it there and probably end this series at midnight or tomorrow 

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