2v2 and the end of the chapter

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Narrator omg I almost forgot to post this let's start 2 week time skip izuku has gotten calmer with everyone in his class including uraraka today is the 2v2 of heroes vs villains 

Izuku *sitting in class by uraraka* so what the you think where gonna do today 

Uraraka I think training and learning about hero work 

Izuku probaly 

Aizawa *walks in class and goes behind his desk* I want be teaching you today the number one hero endeavor will be 

Shota (my father) 

Narrator in this story enji wasn't abusive like in canon and shota does use his fire 

Endeavor *walks in the class* I will be watching you guys do 2v2 heroes vs villains I will see how you do physical combat I hope to see good things from you guy's especially you shoto 

Shoto yes sir

Narrator they all get dressed in there hero costumes like in canon and then learn who there fighting whitch is same as in canon 

Izuku *waiting outside a building waiting for endeavor to give the signal* kacchan is more likely to go for me so you go for the bomb

Uraraka you sure 

Izuku positive *said it with confidence* 

Uraraka (he's showing confidence that cute- wait what am I thinking he is cute but- shut up uraraka) hey deku why does bakugo call you that 

Izuku it's a nickname he gave me since kindergarten I've gotten used to it 

Uraraka (it's like he's used to this) dosent it mean useless 

Izuku yea...

Uraraka well I think It can also mean you can do it 

Izuku *eyes widen* thx uraraka *smiles* 

Uraraka *blushes* oh it's nothing izuku I'm just being a good friend 

Izuku *blushes* 

Uraraka *notices what she said* I-I- 

Izuku you can call me izuku sometimes or all the time if I can call you ochako when you do *blushes* 

Uraraka o-ok 

Endeavor GO 

Izuku let's go *does the original deku serious face* 

Narrator Y'all know the face when he's all pumped up and ready to fight 

Uraraka right let me float us up a few stories 

Izuku mhm 

Uraraka *grabs izuku making him light and floats them both to the 6th story of the building and climbs in* 

Izuku *starts walking with uraraka* you go find the bomb I'll- 

Bakugo DEKU *turns the corner and hits izuku with an explosion* 

Izuku *grabs uraraka and dodges then gets up* uraraka go I got this *OFA full cowling 5 percent* 

Uraraka make sure your ok *runs up the stairs* 

Bakugo no matter how strong your quirk is your always be deku 

Izuku my deku dosent mean useless it means YOU CAN DO IT *in fighting stance* 

Bakugo so you learned how to be tuff *pops explosions* let put that to the test *rushes at izuku going for a right hook* 

Izuku *grabs his wrist and throws him over his shoulder*

Bakugo *hits the ground sliding across the floor then gets up* 

Izuku you always go for a right hook starting a fight right kacchan 

Bakugo SHUT UP *pops explosions and rushes at him* 

Izuku *rushes at bakugo in incredible speed and kicks him in the face* 

Bakugo *stumbles in pain* FLASH *pops explosion right by his face flashing him* 

Izuku *right as he got flashed leaned back and did a backflip kick* 

Bakugo *stumbles getting dizzy and is bout to fall but propels himself with explosions up* 

Izuku *punches him in the face* 

Bakugo *hits him with an explosion to the gut* 

Izuku *stumbles back holding his gut and looks at bakugo*

Bakugo *has a finger on the pin of his gauntlet* DIEEEEE *pulls pin* 

Narrator a huge explosion happens where izuku and bakugo are 

Izuku *on the ground hurt badly and a sound comes from his ear piece* 

Uraraka *talking threw earpiece* deku  what was that sound 

Izuku don't worry about it did you find the home 

Uraraka yea but lida is guarding it 

Lida *heard her* hero you will never stop this bomb 

Uraraka shoot I gotta go be careful 

Izuku I will *no longer talk threw earpiece and gets up weakly looking forward but there is to much smoke from the  explosion but can't see* 

Narrator suddenly izuku felt strange he felt a sense  but not just a sense a danger sense 

Bakugo *rushes threw the smoke and hits izuku with an explosion* 

Izuku *dodges and quickly chops the back of bakugo,s neck knocking him out and the falls* (dang it I can't get up) 

Narrator flashback 

All might just remember this even you can be a hero 

Narrator Flashback ends 

Izuku (uraraka!!) 

Narrator with uraraka 

Uraraka *struggling to get the bomb* 

Lida *guarding it* it's to late hero you only have 10 seconds to stop this bomb 

Uraraka (he's right sorry izuku,...) 

Izuku *tackles Lida to the ground* OCHAKO THE BOMB NOW 

Narrator there's only five seconds left 

Uraraka *runs over to the bomb and touches it* 

Endeavor HEROES WIN 

Izuku *gets off Lida* 

Uraraka thanks deku *blushing cause he said her name*

Izuku no problem *getting up weakly* 

Uraraka *puts one of his arms on her head to help him up while Lida does the same with the other*

Lida great match you two but where's bakugo 

Izuku knocked out 

Uraraka great job deku 

Izuku thanks

Narrator the rest of the fights go as in canon what will happen next in the story find out in the next chapter

Narrator ok guys so I decided I will do psycho deku and carry on with this story doing to uploads of them everyday sometime 1 this is meaningless aka blaze signing off goodnight

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