A tuff challenge

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Meaningless hi peeps I accidentally took a longer break well on purpose if I'm being 100 percent cause my ipad wasn't fully charged so yeah my bad anyways for the rest of the story ima be doing timeskips cause I can't think what to do for some of this stuff but anyways here's a timeskip right now since I couldn't think of anything I'm skipping to when bakugo and izuku are bout to fight endeavor I couldn't think of anything before it  now usual Izuku and bakugo are supposed to fight all might f in the chat for him anyways since he's yeah... there gonna be fighting endeavor:note some of my grammar sucks: So let's start this 

Izuku *walks in the fake city with bakugo* so what's the plan kacchan?

Bakugo he uses a fire quirk and you got the speed advantage on hi but we don't know how fast he is so where going to need to watch out for that he also has the power advantage on us if we can both rush at him we should be able to take him out your the key to this basically..... 

Izuku *looks at bakugo shocked*


Izuku ok kacchan jeez *stops walking* do you smell smoke?

bakugo *also stops* yeah.... 

Izuku *sees a big fire coming from a few yards from them and sees a figure*

Endeavor *walking out of the fire* 

Bakugo *smirks* already want to die I see

Izuku *OFA full cowling 8 percent* 

Endeavor *propels himself towards the both of them with fire and grabs Izuku by his arm and kicks bakugo in the gut* 

Bakugo *falls down in pain*

Endeavor *throws izuku into a building* 

Bakugo *gets up weakly and starts hitting endeavor with explosions* DAMMIT 

Endeavor *grabs bakugos arm and throws him to a building* 

Bakugo *right before he hits it propels himself back toward him* 

Endeavor *sends fire toward him* 

Bakugo *propels himself upwards dodging the fire* DIEEEE *lands hitting the ground with a massive explosion blowing himself back* 

Izuku *trying to get up but fails* (my left arm it's sprained bad) *tries getting up more but only makes it to one knee* 

Bakugo *gets up* (that explosion didn't knock him out I know but where is he) 

Endeavor *behind him* looking for me 

Bakugo *turns around trying to pop explosions* 

Endeavor *punches him in the face* 

Izuku *grabs endeavors arm before he hit bakugo with 15 percent* 

Bakugo *pops a medium explosion in endeavors face blinding him* 

Izuku *lets go and kicks him in the gut* 

Bakugo DIEEEEEEEE *hits him with a barrage of explosions*

Endeavor *gets his vision back and grabs bakugos arms and throws him into Izuku* 

Izuku *catches bakugo and puts him down* 

Endeavor I gotta admit you two are quite good but your not going to win 

Izuku *holding his left arm in pain*

Bakugo *pops a lot of explosions covering the air around them in smoke*

endeavor *wipes the smoke away with his hand coughing to see there not there* where did they go 

Bakugo *has Izuku on one of his shoulders while carrying him then puts him down in a alley*

Izuku *sits down holding his arm* 

Bakugo how bad is it? Sprained or broken 

Izuku It's sprained bad I can move it but it hurts 

Bakugo can you carry one of my gauntlets

Izuku sure... *gets up weakly* 

Bakugo ok here's the plan...

Endeavor *walking to the escape exit* (they should be heading here but am I wrong I should walk around more) come out you brats 

bakugo *comes out of an ally behind him* wrong way 

Endeavor *turns around* got you now 

Bakugo *propels himself upwards* NOW DEKU 

Izuku *holding one of bakugos gauntlets and pulls the pin causing a massive explosion towards endeavor*

Bakugo *pulls the pin on his gauntlet and causes a massive explosion down wards toward him* 

Izuku *on guard* 

Bakugo *lands and gets on guard* 

Endeavor *propels himself out of the smoke and toward bakugo* not enough *smirks* 

Izuku KACCHAN *holds his arms up and black whips come out of them and wrap around endeavors arms*

endeavor *loses focus on bakugo* huh? *looks at his arms* 

Bakugo *hits endeavor with a barrage of explosions* what was that you damn nerd you hiding powers now?

Izuku less talk more winning and idk what that was *still holding endeavor with black whip* 

Bakugo *hits him with a massive explosion* 

Izuku *lets go and gets behind endeavor in incredible speed and kicks him in the back at 12 percent* SMASH

bakugo *grabs endeavor by the face and pops 4 explosions slamming his head into the ground* if you move I'll blow your face off now tap or die 

Izuku *has guard up at 5 percent*

Endeavor *taps on the ground muffling I give up* (these kids had the spirits of heroes and fighters especially aizawa)

Aizawa *over the microphone* katuski bakugo and izuku aizawa  win 

Meaningless why in the hell does this take so long but be 10 minutes to read I'm still triggered by it and yes I didn't think how to even make this fight but still did but I think I could've done better if I'm being honest anyways Izuku and bakugo both get sent to recovery girl to heal up 

Izuku *looking at the window of recovery girls office* 

1A *enters the office* 

Kirishima good job bros it was so manly how you two were able to work together even to make the number 1 hero tap 

Uraraka *runs up to izuku and hugs him* deku you had me scared for a sec when he threw you in to the building I'm supeised you can walk

Mina what was that black thing that came out your arm was it a new move or power *gasp* do you have to quirks 

Izuku *chuckles* calm down guys I don't really know what it was myself I only got it recently (I have three to be exact) but I want to get more into it myself

Meaningless I don't know what else to do so... the class celebrated there victories over the heroes even the ones that lost it was still fun they tried bu bye peeps I'm out

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