USJ part two fight for your life

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Meaningless sup guys how y'all doing after this ima post the other part of psycho deku make sure to look for that but for now let's get this started we left off with the  villains appearing 

Aizawa *sees a dark mist appear at the downstairs of the USJ and like 50-100 villains coming out of it* 13 protect the students *puts on his mask* 

13 the alarm isn't working someone with a hacking quirk must've canceled it 

Aizawa get our of here and alert the heroes at the school 

Izuku you not gonna fight all them are you?

aizawa I can manage for now *goes down fighting villains* 

13 come on kids to the exit *starts running to the exit with 1a* 

Kurogiri *appears infront of them* not so fast we came here to endeavor but since he isn't here a few dead kids might make him show up 

13 not on my watch 

Meaningless hold up rq I just figured out 13 was a boy before you ask I thought to suit just changed her voice 

13 *activates her quirk and starts sucking the villain up* 

Izuku (wait if he can warp anywhere) 13- 

Kurogiri *reverses her quirk and opens a portal behind her and it injures her badly* 


Bakugo *in the air readying a explosion*

Kirishima *also in the air Harding his left hand* 

Kurogiri nope *warps them both and a few others* 

Izuku *falls out of a portal but quickly catches himself by pulling on a metal boat on a boat to avoid falling in the water and pulls himself on the boat to see tsuyu and mineta* 

You guys are here to 

Mineta yea but what do we do 

Tsuyu yeah we're surrounded 

Izuku do they know our quirks cause you wouldn't end up here so there underestimating us in a way 

Tsuyu you catch on quick aizawa

Izuku thanks *notices the ship is sinking* crap what do we do now 

Tsuyu we have to escape this it looks like they have quirks to do with water 

Izuku we can't just sit here and do nothin *puts OFA 2 percent into his legs and jumps high enough* SMASH *flicks his finger at 10 blowing away the villains or making a whirl pool spinning them around* 

Tsuyu *grabs mineta and jumps catching izuku with her tongue* 

Mineta (I can't just do nothing) *screams and starts throwing balls off his head until his eyes start bleeding* 

Shigiraki ugh 

Kurogiri *appears next to shigiraki*  young master one of the students has escaped 

Shigiraki what nomu *points at eraser head* kill him now 

Nomu *gets up and moves and is now pinning aizawa to the ground and breaks one of his arms* 

Tsuyu *arrives near the water with izuku and mineta seeing aizawa badly injured and a huge creature on top of him*

Shigiraki since endeavor  isnt here a couple of dead brats will surely make him come *running full speed towards tsuyu izuku and mineta reaching his hand out at tsuyu,s face* 

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