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Meaningless 30 PARTS guys 30 omg to be honest I don't know how many parts of this is gonna be everything is gonna go like in canon but like different y'all feel me but let's get on with this this was post to be submitted yesterday but I didn't have time sorry To start this off we go to where Uraraka Izuku and Lida are out the train station saying good luck with your internship I almost forgot it was called that

Izuku you sure your ok Lida 

Lida I'll be fine guys literally but Thanku for looking out for me you guys are truly friends 

Uraraka it's no problem we got your back anytime Lida we promise 

Izuku mhm 

Lida I should get going I'll see you two  back at school *runs off to his train and gets off* (stain I will stop you from hurting anyone else mark my words) 

Izuku I should get going to uraraka love you *grabs his suitcase by the handle and runs off to his train*

Uraraka cya deku *waves* love you to 

Meaningless Izuku then gets on his train same with Uraraka getting on one he takes the train then gets off somewhere then starts walking to a random addres of the one he was given 

Izuku *makes it to the house and knocks on the door and it opens a little* (that's strange) *opens the door more and walks in* why was the door unlocked-

??? *laying face down into a lot of ketchup that looks like blood* 

Izuku o my GOD- *catches a familiar smell* is that ketchup 

??? *pops his head up* your no fun kid 

Izuku *startled* so that was just a test?

??? huh kid what's your name?

Izuku izuku midoriya 

??? Toshinori is that you 

Izuku no izuku midoriya! 

??? Huh?

Izuku listen sir I don't mean to sound rude or anything but I came here to be serious 

??? *sigh* alright kid get your costume on where gonna train 

Izuku huh n-now?

??? Yes kid but  after we're gonna Have a talk

Izuku ok *gets his costume out of his suitcase* 

Meaningless hey guys quick question whey does it take like 30 minutes to write these but it be taking 5 minutes to read them ik they shouldn't be an hour but atleast like 10 minutes anyways Izuku gets his costume on 

Izuku so what are we gonna train about 

??? Just regular stuff how to catch a fast opponent and dodge 

Izuku I think I can handle it

??? Good *starts jumping and bouncing off walls around izuku* 

Izuku *cant tell where he is* (I have to use-)

??? *kicks him in the back* gotta act fast kid in a battle you can't sit around and think nor can you leave yourself open for attacks but if your in a situation like this you gotta be calm try again 

Izuku *gets up*

??? Now think fast *starts jumping and bouncing off walls again* 

Izuku (gotta act fast) 

??? *steps on his face then starts jumping and bouncing off walls again* 

Izuku *trying to get up* 

??? *bounces off the wall on top of him and tries to stomp on his gut*

Izuku *dodges and tries to grab him* 

??? *dodges* to slow 

Izuku *tries to grab him again* 

??? *dodges and tries to punch izuku*

Izuku *catches his fist with both hands at 2 percent*

??? Good job kid I knew to expect good things from you 

Izuku *lets his fist go and deactivates OFA* so what did you want to talk about 

??? *sits on a couch*

Izuku *sits on the floor in front of him* 

??? Well kid I know you got OFA 

Izuku *eyes widen*

??? I was all mights trainer I never had OFA myself but I knew about it the user that gave it to him was a good friend of mines but like all might she died fighting afo.... 

Izuku *looks down*

??? Don't blame yourself kid I knew when all might saved you he was looking at a kid that would never give up that's why you were chosen for OFA what percent can you fully use 

Izuku 23 now....

??? Your already got the hang of it 

Izuku hey mr...

??? Gran Torino 

Izuku hey Gran Torino do you know anything about this *extends his hand and a little black whip comes out* 

Gran Torino no I don't know anything about that all might never had that nor her she did have a quirk but besides OFA no not another do you know how to use it 

Izuku no I'm afraid I'll go out of control 

Gran Torino quirks or not just weapons things you save people and protect with but the emotion matters to the emotion how you use the quirk matters if your rushing into battle you focus on the battle and the people you need saving and activate the quirk so you have no problems let's try it tmrw 

Izuku *smiles* ok 

Meaningless one trick pony out

Izuku the ninth of OFAWhere stories live. Discover now