Her parents

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Meaningless hi peeps this part will take place a day after class 1A vs pro heroes

Izuku POV I'm walking to Urarakas house before me and kacchan fought endeavor I asked her out on a date I'm really nervous about this cause we were supposed to go to a restaurant but... she called me this morning and said her parent or visiting from work and they want to meet me cause I saved her I'm now standing in front of her door nervously after a few seconds witch felt like hours I found the courage to knock on the door and I was greeted with

Meaningless I couldn't find her parents names so ima just use mrs and mr Uraraka 

Mr Uraraka *opens the door and smiles when he sees Izuku* so your the boy that saved my daughter from those villains she told me all about it

Uraraka *right behind her farther and mouths not everything*

Mr Uraraka I'm *insert first name* Uraraka nice to meet you izuku aizawa *extends his hand* 

Izuku *slowly shakes his hands nervously*

Uraraka (he's still nervous around new people....) hey how bout we all go sit in the living room *smiles*

Mr Uraraka sure care to join us?

Izuku y-yes sir

Mr Uraraka great *walks to the living room*

Uraraka *walks by Izuku*

Izuku Thanku Uraraka I'm still nervous about meeting new people

Uraraka hey don't sweaty *kisses his cheek* after all you been threw nobody can blame you just know your stronger then you think

Izuku *smiles* thx Ochako 

Uraraka *smiles* let's go now can't keep my parents waiting *takes his hand and leads him to the living room mom this is Izuku *sits on a couch with him* 

Mrs Uraraka nice to meet you aizawa I can't thank you for all that you done for my daughter 

Izuku n-no problem 

Mrs Uraraka I assume you two are already dating *puts her hands together and smiles*

Uraraka *blushes deeply* 

Izuku *same* w-well.....

Mrs Uraraka eep see I told you there already dating look at them they look so cute together-

Mr Uraraka Hold on can I talk to the kid alone *said in a serious tone* 

Mrs Uraraka but *insert first name* hasn't he already proved that?

mr Uraraka I still need to speak with the kid 

Uraraka but dad-

Izuku fine.... 

Uraraka *looks at him shocked* but-

Izuku I'll be fine Uraraka I promise

Uraraka ok Izuku.... *gets up and leaves the room with her mom* 

Mr Uraraka so what are your intentions of dating my daughter and y'all's relationship I already know a lot about you but I still want answers 

Izuku *calms himself down* well.... Your daughter ochako I mean she saved me from myself...  

Mr Uraraka hm?

Izuku I was just ten when hell really started for me on that day I still blame myself for his death I saw him smiling down on me but it was a fake one I know them to well but now I know the smile he gave me was a smile of hope from that day I was picked on by strangers bullied at school everyone told me I should've died not him not all might when I was at the ua entrance exam I told myself that morning I woke up if I don't make it I should just kill myself but making in ua wasn't the reason I didn't it was your daughter when I met her she didn't bully me or hit me she made me feel safe even if I can't date her I'll... I'll still protect her no matter what even if I die 

Mr Uraraka *in disbelief* 

Uraraka *runs over to izuku and hugs him while crying* 

Mrs Uraraka *standing there with tears in her eyes* 

Mr Uraraka *gets up* you can date my daughter just make sure she's happy *smiles with a tear shedding down his face*

Izuku *hugs Uraraka while crying a little* 

Meaningless the most wholesome thing I wrote during this story after that emotional moment mrs Uraraka made dinner and they chatted while they ate

Izuku well I should get going *gets up* 

Mrs Uraraka no please stay the night I'm sure it will make Uraraka happy we barely come home cause of work 

Uraraka *blushes at the thought of Izuku staying over* n-no he dosent have to it's no problem 

Mr Uraraka nonsense he can stay

Izuku well if your parents exists 

Uraraka *goes upstairs blushing hard*

Izuku uraraka *runs after her* 

Mrs Uraraka I think they'll make a cute couple don't you

Izuku *ends up in Urarakas room* u ok?

Uraraka *blushing badly* I-I'm fine

Izuku are you sure *steps forward but trips on a pencil lands on Uraraka pinning her to her bed*

Uraraka *blushing deep red*

Mrs Uraraka *walks in the door with her husband* hey hun- *sees*

Mr Uraraka *sighs* there's a condom on the coffee table downstairs we just came to say goodbye and love cya ochako *walks downstairs*

Mrs Uraraka don't go to wild you to *walks downstairs to* 

Izuku *blushing badly* wait- *here's the door close* 

Uraraka ummm deku? 

Izuku *looks back at Uraraka and notices he's inches away from her face

Uraraka if you want to we can..... 

Izuku *gets off her* n-no that's not what I meant-

Uraraka *kisses him deeply*

Meaningless lil smut 

Izuku *kisses back but accidentally bits her bottom lip* 

Uraraka *opens her mouth and a little moan comes out* 

Izuku *breaks kiss and looks the other way blushing*

Uraraka *blushes like crazy* 

Uraraka l-let's just go to b-bed 

Izuku yeah s-sure

Meaningless cya peeps hope y'all enjoyed 

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