Getting ready for the sports festival

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Meaningless hi guys it's me again I am tired I got well 8 hours of sleep now but I went to bed at 3 and at 6 I had to go somewhere so ima bit tired I forgot to write some stuff on the last episode my fault 😞 anyways let's start this it might be short and I don't know if I'm gonna finish the sports festival today or tmrw anyways let's start we go to a few days later in school cause it was canceled 

Izuku *walks in the classroom with bakugo* 

Mina *runs up to them* omg hi guys we were all so worried about you aizawa  and Bakubabe you both rushed into action to fight that huge monster 

Bakugo of course we did we are the two best in this class 

Hagakure *walked up to them* it was all in a flash aizawa just rushed in like it was nothing he even went head on with that thing and you had such great speed 

Izuku it was nothing really I rushed in because I couldn't watch my dad get killed most importantly I couldn't watch as another person died when I could save them it was honestly scary though that was my second encounter with a villain....

Bakugo but hey you made a big difference I'm yourself In 5 years 

Izuku thanks kacchan 

Bakugo whatever you big nerd I'm still better than you 

Aizawa *walks in the classroom looking like he did in canon* 

Narrator he then explains the sports festival thing in canon it had been 6 days and the sports festival is tomorrow izuku is currently wrapping up his training from running 

Izuku *pant* that should be enough training for the sports festival 

??? hey kid 

Izuku *looks around* whos there 

??? You seem to be training for the ua sports festival huh you must be strong kid 

Izuku *looks around faster* and what's it to you 

??? *in front of izuku* how good of a experiment you will be *punches him* 

Izuku *gets punched and gets knocked off the ground falling and grunts in pain* (come on man I just finished training) *reaches for his phone* ??? nope *kicks him in the stomach* 

Izuku *gets kicked into an alley way* dammit *gets up* I don't know your deal but 

??? *behind him going for a chop to his neck* 

Izuku *grabs his arm and puts it behind his back and pins him down putting his other hand on his face* 

Villain#1 did you think I came here alone 

Izuku *eyes widen* 

Villain#2 *knees izuku in the face* 

Izuku *falls off the guy holding his nose* (I need to get out of here) 

Villain#1 *gets up* damn brat almost twisted my arm 

Izuku (I can't handle this two alone but I also can't get my phone) 

Villain#1 *in front of izuku and knees him in the face*

Izuku *rolls out the way charging up OFA 10 percent in his legs and runs* 

Villain#2 go after him 

Villain#1 he's long gone probably with his speed i can't catch up I wont know where I'm even running it's better to leave him  but boss is gonna be mad

Meaningless until next time sorry the fight might have been boring

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