USJ part 1 villains appear

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Izuku *talking to uraraka* maybe if you ask them to make your costume less tighter you wouldn't have problem  with it being hard to move all that much besides that everything else is good same with your quirk i can tell you been improving 

Kirishima same with you midobro you used to be anti social But look at you now You seem more confident and you communicate more and you look stronger 

Izuku yea I got the hang of my quirk a little but I can't rely on it always because it's a stockpiling one that's why I asked the support team to put air canons on my suit but it is being fixed from when I fought kacchan but besides that I'm doing good And I think I can use my quirk more just not over use it cause it breaks my muscles that the downside of my quirk which I assume all of you already know 

Bakugo (he has gotten more social)

Denki it suprising you quiet bakugo you ok 

Bakugo just thinking pikachu 

Denki mean 

Uraraka say deku can up you train with me at the USJ you seem to learn a lot about combat some of that being from mr aizawa as he adopted you do you train with him 

Izuku yes I come close to beating him sometimes but then he overwhelmed me he's someone you don't let your guard down on like bakugo cause his quirk can make a big change in a battle especially his gauntlets and yes I'll train you but it's not easy 

Tsuyu wow midoriya you seem to catch on quick 

Izuku actually I go by izuku aizawa now I changed my name not to long ago *scratches the back of his head* guess I forgot 

Aizawa *secretly having a dadzawa moment* (I am a proud father am I) 

Lida I am proud of all of you as class rep seeing how you all can get stronger in a week especially you mid- I mean aizawa 

Izuku Thanku 

Tsuyu hey aizawa 

Izuku yes asui- I mean tsuyu 

Tsuyu your quirk kinda resembles all mights it's almost like his quirk whatever it was passed down to you in a way funny isn't it 

Izuku yep (I thought she new for a sec) 

Narrator they then arrive at the USJ and 13 gives her speech and acknowledges the acknowledgment uraraka has for him and the same shit with the villains appearing for now signing off goodbye 

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