I Almost Shit My Pants

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The bell rings signifying that school was finally over, I let out a breath of relief as I walk out of the classroom and down to my locker.

It's been a long day and I'm really tired. I just wanna get home already and take a shower then let sleep overtake me.

My best friend Willow walks silently beside me.  She can tell I'm tired so she doesn't even try to make conversation which I'm thankful for. She knows me all too well.

I leave all of my books in my locker and my backpack knowing well enough that I won't do my homework later.

Once I'm done I turn to my blue haired friend. "Are you ready to go ?" I say tiredly. She nods her head.

Willow has been my best friend since 2nd grade when she moved here. I wasn't very good at making friends hence the fact that she's my only one.

We did everything together, walked together to school, hung out practically everyday, dyed our hair together. To name a few.

I have pastel pink hair and she has blue hair. We made a pact that if we ever wanted to change our hair color, we would do it together and pick a new color scheme to match.

Willow would usually be hanging out with me at my house after school today but she has detention so I'm forced to walk home alone today.

I drop the blue haired girl off at detention before making my way out of the building.

Most people are already gone at this time, the parking lot now over half way empty.

I make my way down the steps and pull out my earbuds to listen to some music on my long walk home.

After I plug them in, the sounds of Red Hot Chili Pepper's Under The Bridge, blasts through my headphones.

I take my time walking home, it being a rather nice day out. I soak in the sun a little.

Suddenly the atmosphere around me changes. Something's off.

I keep walking only speeding up my pace. I look across the street and see a man in a black hood keeping up with my pace and watching me.

My eyes widen and I practically run home.
It was probably nothing, but I can't shake the feeling.

I burst in the front door and close it immediately behind me. I sigh and press my back against the cool wood and catching my breathe before locking the door behind me.

I trudge up my stairs and into my room. I hastily take off my worn down black and white converse before removing my jeans, crop top, and my oversized zip up hoodie.

I make my way into the bathroom that's connected to my room and turn on the shower.

Hopefully this will help calm my nerves and ease my mind.

I slip off my underwear and step into the water.
It's warm and immediately my body relaxes. I still can't shake the funny feeling in my gut.

Once I'm done in the shower, I get out and wrap a towel around me and head into my room.

I grab a band tee and a pair of boxer shorts. After changing into them, I crawl into my bed.

The moment my head hits the pillow, I'm out.

My eyes open and I see that it's now dark outside. I sigh and get up knowing that I won't be going back to sleep anytime soon.

I make my way downstairs and into my kitchen to make me some food. I look around the cabinets and see that we pretty much have nothing.

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