What Luke Says Goes

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I can only guess that it's been about three weeks since my abduction. They untied me after a week, and I started doing chores and cooking that same week.

They learned pretty quick that I'm a shit cook and had to teach me a few things.

I think about my best friend Willow everyday. I miss her. I wonder how she's holding up.

I write down all of my sizes for the clothes that the boys are supposed to get me sometime this week, jeans are a 4, my shirt is an extra small. Dress size is a 2. Underwear is a small, and bra size is a 34 B. Although I don't think I'll be wearing the bra much. Shoe size is an 8.

Mainly because I find bras very uncomfortable so I don't like to wear them.

I was in the middle of writing down a few things that I like in my clothing such as band tees, ripped jeans, black anything, when the door opened and Luke saw me in just his shirt and the boxers he lent me.

The shirt barely goes past my ass. Just by a few inches. He looks me up and down. "Avery, how tall are you ?" He asks amused.

"5'7 why ?" I reply confused. "Oh no reason just wondering." He says. "Uh okay.." I trails off. "Are you almost done with that list ?" He asks gesturing to the list in front of me.

"Oh yeah, I'm done." I say and hand it to him.

"Note: I doubt I'll be wearing the stupid bra as much considering they make my boobs wanna kill themselves." He reads the note I left.

He looks at me amused with a questioning look. I look up at him from where I'm sitting at the vanity and shrug. "What ? They do." I retort.

He chuckles and rolls his eyes. "You'll still have to wear one if I tell you to." He says. I groan and roll my eyes. Causing him to raise his brows.

"I'll let that slide but if you do that again, I'll have to punish you." He says before leaving my room.

I sigh and sit back in boredom.

I decide to grab a book from the shelf. I pick the book called Bruiser. Intrigued on the title.

As I read on, the book gets more and more interesting. I'm invested in it when Luke calls me down. I groan, not wanting to leave the book.

I roll off the bed and open the door and head down to Luke. I find him in the kitchen. He's leaning against the counter.

I approach him and wait to hear what he wanted.

"When the boys get back with your clothes, I want you to meet me in my room." He says still facing away from me.

"Any reason why ?" I ask.

"Because what Luke says goes." He replies.

"Yes, Luke." God okay, dick.

"What was that ?" He says finally facing me.

"I-What ?" I stutter.

"You called me a dick." He says walking towards me.

Every step he takes forward, I take a step backwards until finally I'm backed against the wall.

"You know what ?" He says angrily. "Go up to my room, now."

My eyes widen. "What- N-no, I'm sorry." I say quickly.

"Too late, little girl. It's time you learn who you're really talking to." He says. "Go. Now." He growls.

My eyes fill with tears and I bolt it to his room.

Shit. Why did I say that ? I thought it was in my head but Of course I fucking had to say it out loud.

What if he murders me ?

I hear footsteps pounding up the stairs and I only turn more and more afraid.

Finally he comes in.

I don't even look at him out of fear.

"Drop your drawers now." He demands

My eyes widen. No. "N-no please. Please. I'll be good." I try to reason

"It's too late for that, you need to learn your lesson. Drop em now." He laughs humorlessly.

Tears fall down my cheeks as I do what he says. "Now bend over." He says.

Am I about to be raped ? I'm still a virgin. I don't wanna lose it like this.

Nevertheless I hesitantly do what he says. I grip the bed sheets trying to brace myself.

"Count." He says.

Huh ? Did I hear that correctly-

My thoughts are interrupted and shock runs through me when I feel breeze hit my backside and then a burning sensation.

I Yelp in pain. This motherfucker just spanked me-

He slaps my ass again. "Count." He repeats.

"O-one" I stammer and shut my eyes tightly as tears coat my cheeks.

By the time he's done, I'm a sobbing mess and my ass is on fire.

There are no doubt probably bruises.

He pulls the boxers back up and pulls me off of the bed. "That's what happens when you disobey." He says.

I can't even look him in the eye.

"You may go to your room now, I'll be in, in just a moment with some cream to put on." He says.

I don't hesitate to run right to my room. I attempt to sit down but Yelp immediately when I do. Pain shoots through me. Fuck.

I'm layer down on my stomach, clutching my pillow and sniffling. Luke comes in as promised and pulls the boxers down once again.

I'm so angry I don't even acknowledge him. He puts the cream on me and I instantly feel relieved. The cool contact feels good against the heat radiating off of the red welts he left.

When he's done, he pulls the boxers back up. "I hope you learned your lesson." He says and walks out.

Yea no doubt. I'm definitely considering escaping again.

Anything is better than here.

The boys arrived a little while later with my clothes and they left them in the room. I haven't moved since Luke came in.

I'm too angry.

I just want to leave. I'm gonna do whatever it takes to do so.

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