Luke's Girl

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I can't sleep knowing after what he said to me. I don't even know what to think about it, except that I don't really believe it.

I've known them my entire life, they've never been sketchy. I've known Luke every bit of what ? 5 or 6 months maybe ? Why would I believe him ?

Yet, I still can't sleep. I don't entirely know what Luke has been doing but I've been handcuffed to his bed for a week now. They only uncuff me to use the bathroom and shower.

This really sucks. My arm aches and I'm sleep deprived. My entire body aches due to the uncomfortable position, and it doesn't entirely help that I'm still bruised.

Luke comes in every now and again to change or grab something but he never utters a single word to me, let alone look at me.

All of the boys are mad at me but they somewhat understood. Calum is the only boy who comes in here daily usually to feed me but sometimes to have a chat.

Im pretty much going insane and I wouldn't doubt that I look like absolute shit.

Ive been wearing Luke's shirts since I've been in here because I can never leave the room and the boys are punishing me by not grabbing my own clothes.

I wish I could just go home and live my normal yet boring life again.

Hair is fading more and more as I live here, not having dye to touch it up.

Maybe after Michael's done being mad at me, he'll help me fix my hair.

"Get up, we're going somewhere. I can't trust you alone so you're coming with us." Luke says barging in his room and unlocking the handcuffs.

I walk over to my room. Luke hot on my trail. I turn to face him and give him a questioning look, "Yeah, I'm not leaving you alone again. So I'm gonna be in here while you change." He says answering my thoughts.

I huff. We continue into my room and I go to my closet. Not really sure what to wear because I don't know where we're going I face Luke again.

"What ?" He asks boredly.

"What do I wear ?" I ask looking anywhere but his eyes.

"A dress." He says pulling out his phone.

I turn to my closet and grab a black dress and look back at Luke before changing.

"Uh can you maybe, turn around." I ask looking down at my feet.

He rolls his eyes and turns.

I quickly change into the dress and put on some heals.

He turns around and goes back on his phone.

I grab my makeup that they bought around the time they got my clothes, which might I add is a whole bunch of random stuff. I had to make due with what they got. Boys. I roll my eyes.

Once I'm done I turn back to Luke who was just sitting on my bed, watching me.

Once he noticed me looking at him he coughs lightly and looks away before asking if I was done. I nodded and we got up to leave.

Once we headed downstairs I noticed none of the boys were around. I give a questioning look to Luke who replied rolling his eyes. "They already left. I stayed with you until you were done so we could arrive together."

It almost sounded sweet until I found out later why he did that.

We pulled up to what looked like a motorcycle bar. It was so loud, you could hear everything from the outside.

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