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I don't know what I'm feeling,
My mind is reeling,
And my soul is peeling away from me,
into something I can't see.

Do you even see me?
Do you even see my life is a affair?
I have so much wear and tear, oh do you even care.

No, you don't it's always about yourself, you don't see the card I was dealt, or what I felt.
Man I want you gone.
I want this pain gone, the memories of how happy you made me.

The happiness was an illusion,
Which led to confusion, confusion to what love really was.
I thought love was a dove,
Pure, refreshing, now dark and depressing.

Now I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.
I wish I could be alive again, wow what a sin,
That I cannot even grin.

Pin my heart a thousand times,
While I get lost inside the chimes,
The chimes of my heart,
I'm just looking for a spark, to restart my heart, before I rip my heart apart.

Oh I was told I could fold over my past, and last, and stop being an outcast.
But everything I say just makes me feel like a transparent glass.

But I can be-forgiven and redeemed.
My life isn't as bad as it seems.
Help me gleam so I can take back my life, and restart this crazy depart from my path,
Maybe I can last.

Inspiration of an unlucky girlWhere stories live. Discover now