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I wish I could've been there for him, when he told me those words that have haunted me so so long, I cried.
I cried because I know how much despair he had to have been feeling to do that to himself.
He says it's just to calm him down, but it becomes more than that. It consumes you, it's like getting ink on something and trying to wipe it off but it becomes worst.  
I get so angry at the fact that anyone could hate him, when in my eyes he is golden, he could do no wrong. I want to hurt the people that hurt him, the anger consumes me and I see red and I'm glad I don't know those people because I would really hurt them.
He amplifies my feelings.
I just wish I could've been there... But I wasn't and now I'm disappointed in myself.

Inspiration of an unlucky girlWhere stories live. Discover now