Chapter Five: Mr. Cuddle Snuggles & Mr. Player Struggles

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The Bad Boy Stole My Diary
A Raura Fanfiction
Chapter Five: Mr. Cuddle Snuggles & Mr. Player Struggles.
~The Next Evening~

"Say bye to mommy, Han," I told my little sister, making her giggle and wave goodbye to our mother. I chuckled and waved to my mom as well.

It was now Friday night, and Mom was going out for a night with her friends, while Dad was working late. All of us siblings were home alone, except for Parker and Vanessa who were out with friends.

Mom smiled and waved back, before pulling out of our round driveway. I sighed and walked inside, yawning and setting Hanna down. She ran upstairs to who knows where.

I laid down on the couch, reclining my legs over the armrest. Just then, Sean came down the stairs.

He was wearing black jeans with a grey tee shirt, covered by a jean jacket. He had white converse on, and his bleach blonde hair was swiped up in 'the wave' as we called it.

He jumped down the last step, then ran for the door. I stopped him beforehand. "Woah, woah, woah. Where do you think you're going?" I asked him, putting a hand on my hip and raising my eyebrows suspiciously.

"Somewhere..." he mumbled in reply.

"Where is 'somewhere'?" I asked, getting more serious this time.

"What, you think I'm going out to get drugs or drink?" he asked, chuckling bitterly.

"Well now that you mention it, I'm kinda worrying that could be the case," I replied, slightly teasing and slightly be seriously.

He rolled his eyes and started for the door again, but I stopped him. "Tell me where you're going," I demanded, locking the door.

"I'm going out with Meg..." he mumbled.

I smirked teasingly and made kiss noises. "Ooohhhh! Seany's got a girlfriend!" I giggled.

He blushed and laughed, "Not like dating. We're just going out to get ice cream and to see a movie."

"Sounds like a date to me," I joked and giggled lightly.

"Whatever, I'm gonna go now. I'll be back around eleven," he called, opening the door.

"Where are you even going?" I asked.

"We're going to go see a movie, then get ice cream afterward," he explained, blushing a little in realization that it kinda was a date.

I chuckled, "Don't kiss her."

He blushed and walked out the door, then mumbled on his way out, "No promises."

I smiled big and bright when he said that, then shut the door.

You see, I've always thought Sean and Meg were adorable. They always held hands, cuddled, and stood up for each other. Last year, in sixth grade, some loser threw an apple at the back of Meg's head and Sean got up and beat the kid up. The loser was beaten pretty bad, he deserved it though. Sean just had a black eye though. He got in major trouble though. I had to pretend to be Mom just to fool the principal.

I also remember one other time when all of us went ice skating together. They were eleven back then, and I was seventeen. I had just gotten out of a bad relationship with my now ex, Andrew. We all went ice skating together, and at one point, it was couples skating time. Parker skated with his then girlfriend, Melissa, Vanessa skated with her then boyfriend, Alex, while I sat with Sean and Meg on the bench. They were giggling about inside jokes while I scrolled around on my phone.

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