Chapter Six: Poker Games & Hot Dates

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The Bad Boy Stole My Diary
A Raura Fanfiction
Chapter Six: Poker Games & Hot Dates
~The Next Day~

I pulled my body into the school, groaning lightly with every step.

I barely slept last night. I was too scared of Ross trying to come up into my room. He kept texting me all night too about stupid stuff. Like how how I was, how much he liked me, how much I crossed his mind.

Bottom line: He bothered me a LOT.

I'm sure I looked like crap. My hair was probably a rat nest, my breath probably smelled like a skunk, and there were probably gigantic bags underneath my eyes.

I made it to my locker and opened it. I checked myself in the mirror I had. I didn't look like a huge mess. My hair was frizzy, but it only looked wavy and dark as usual. My makeup skills are so good that I was able to hide the bags and drool without even looking. And my breath didn't smell so bad from what I could tell. But still, I popped a mint in my mouth to make sure.

I hadn't really noticed what outfit I threw on. But it looked pretty good. My top was a lacy white tank top that had a black belt around the waist. I had grey jeans on, a black leather jacket, and brown combat boots. I looked okay, okay for me at least.

After slamming my locker shut, I headed back to the commons. (The commons were the cafeteria.) As I approached, I saw Alexa and Savannah sitting at our usual table.

Alexa and Savannah were two of my four best friends. Alexa had blonde hair that swirled down her back. She had bright blue eyes as well. I had known Alexa since kindergarten, except she was in second grade at the time. She was like the big sister I never had.

Savannah I had known since sixth grade like Raini, but Savannah was only in second grade back then too. She was like a little sister. Now, we're all just like sisters of the same age.

Savannah had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. She was like a bohemian, chic goddess in style, at least that's what she says about herself.

Lex smiled, motioning me to sit down next to her. I did and smiled back. "Laur! Omg! I heard Ross Lynch hung out with you and Hannah last night!" She squealed excitedly.

You see, whenever I hung out with a guy, it was a huge deal to the girls. They always told me I was a loner and I needed to get a boyfriend soon. I guess they were right, but still, it hurt a little.

I laughed lightly, "He just hung out because he and Hannah seem to get along great. It doesn't mean anything."

Then, my sister joined the group. She sat next to Sav and had her gossip face on. "Yes, he and Laura hung out last night," she squealed excitedly.

I rolled my eyes jokingly and smiled with a light blush.

And then, Raini joined the table. She sat next to me. "Whatever about Laura's love life. I have a huge, great idea," she explained to us.

"What is it?" We asked in unison.

"All the super popular kids are having a poker game over the weekend. And since we won't be invited, let's have our own! We can have one Saturday afternoon! And we can invite those Lynch kids or whatever. Plus, Calum and Parker can come too," Raini explained further, getting us all excited.

"I think Calum is friends with the Lynches too, it'll be fun. All of us," Vanessa smiled happily, liking the idea.

Savannah and Alexa smiled and nodded as well. But I, on the other hand, was partly worried about it. I mean, I have to spend a whole Saturday with Ross again? I don't even know if I can do that.

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