Chapter Three: Diary Confrontations & Set Ups

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The Bad Stole My Diary
A Raura Fanfiction
Chapter Three: Diary Confrontations & Set Ups
~Right Where We Left Off~

Where is my freaking diary?! I jumped up and frantically started looking for it. I have to find this thing, it's the most important thing to me ever. (I'll scream if I don't find it.)

I ran out of my room and barged into Parker's room. "Give it to me!" I screamed while tossing things off his shelves, trying to find the diary. "Stop throwing my stuff!" Parker exclaimed, pulling me back. "Where did you put my diary?!" I yelled back, shoving and pushing him. "I don't have your diary, Laura!" He yelled back, trying not to laugh because apparently I'm not that strong.

"Then where is it?!" I screeched, running into Vanessa's room. "Where'd you put it?!" I asked her, rummaging through her drawers. Vanessa gasped and pushed me away. "Stop!" She yelled back, pushing my hands away. "Where's my diary?!" I yelled, running downstairs to Sean.

"How dare you!!" I screamed, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pining him against the wall. "I didn't do anything!" Sean said, pushing me away since I was smaller. I was about to hit him, but Mom and Dad came running in and pulled me away. "Stop it, Laura! What's going on?!" My dad asked, holding me away from my little brother. "Someone in this very house is a betraying backstabber!" I yelled, pointing at each of my siblings.

I explained to my parents about my missing diary, and they were successful in calming me down. "I'm sorry, you guys... I'm just frustrated... You know how much that diary means to me..." I sighed and sat down on the couch, next to Sean. Vanessa looked at me sympathetically, Parker nodded understandingly, and Sean rubbed my back gently.

"You lost your diary?" A tiny voice squeaked. I looked over and saw Hanna, clutching her stuffed bear, named Mr. Cuddle Snuggles, and leaning against the doorframe. "Yeah, sweetie. It's not a big deal though, don't worry." I smiled softly and reached my arms out for her to come over. She walked over slowly and jumped into my lap. "I might know who has your diary..." Hanna said, looking up at me and resting Mr. Cuddle Snuggles on my lap as well.

My eyes lit up and I lifted her up quick just like she likes it. "Who?!" I exclaimed. "That blonde guy. Rossy. He gave me half a candy bar to tell him where your room was, Laurie." She explained, looking a little disappointed in herself.

Sean sighed and pulled her into his lap. "Han, how many times have I told you to go for more candy bars? You don't just stop at what they offer you, you negotiate your way up with that cute little face of yours." She joked and smiled, kissing Hanna's nose gently. She giggled and hugged our brother.

I stopped listening to the main conversation after that. I was too busy thinking about what Hanna had told me. Ross had come into my room just a couple hours ago. He was acting suspicious, I could tell. And I knew he wasn't some nice guy who was gonna spare my feelings and not do something like this. He took it. He has my diary.

Uh oh... Ross Lynch has my diary...

~The Next Morning~

I woke up and yawned, stretching and slipping my glasses on. I hopped out of bed and ran into my bathroom. After rinsing my face, I put on natural makeup and curled my hair. My outfit was a green tank top with a blue and purple plaid flannel (unbuttoned) and grey jeans. I put on my black boots and a white infinity scarf, then ran out the door.

I ran downstairs and saw Sean, Meg, and Hanna waiting for me to drive them. I kissed my parents goodbye, then went out to the car with them. Sean and Meg sat in the backseat, while Hanna sat in front. (I know she's young, but whatever.) "Does that tickle?" Sean smiled, poking Meg in the side, causing her to have a giggle attack. "S-Stop!" Meg giggled, grabbing his hands and pushing them off her waist and sides. He laughed and did it again.

Now, I kinda feel bad about saying this, but it was kinda making me upset. They're so in love, it's obvious. I, on the other hand, have never had a boyfriend, never been kissed, and no boy has ever even come my way. I wouldn't ever be able to say it out loud, but I've always wanted love. I guess I'm never gonna get it though. (Sigh.)

After dropping the kids off at school, I drove to my own school and got out. Vanessa was already there, talking to some of her friends. I went inside and hung out by my locker until I saw Ross walk in. "Hey, Ross!" I exclaimed, running towards him. He smirked seeing me, wrapping his arm around me once i got to him. "Hey, gorgeous. Miss me?" Ross said, walking me to his own locker. I rolled my eyes and pushed his arm off. "I didn't miss you. I just want my diary back." I said, leaning against the lockers while he got his things out of his locker. "I don't know what you're talking about." He smirked again, pushing his backpack into the locker. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. Give it back now." I said, trying to be assertive. "Oh c'mon, it's a stupid little book. Nothing but your deepest secrets." His signature Ross Lynch smirk grew more.

At that moment, all my confidence disappeared. Ross Lynch, already the biggest player and bad boy in college, has my diary. The book that contains all my secrets, thoughts, and problems. What if he reads it? What if he tells everyone? What if even worse will happen?

I thought college wouldn't be like high school. In high school, I got bullied everyday. It was horrible, and I thought people would be more mature and nice now. But I'm not so sure about that. And if everything in my diary got exposed, it would be worst than high school.

I think Ross could tell my confidence had completely disintegrated, because he sighed and looked at me sympathetically. And for one second, I believed he maybe could be nice. But then, he went right back to his smirk.

"Look Ross, I-I just want my diary..." I mumbled, my voice cracking halfway in between. (I was so nervous an unconfident that I almost couldn't speak.) "Laura, you know how I am, even though we just met yesterday. I'm not giving it back to you, princess. You gotta play to win." He smirked and slammed his locker shut, then walked away. I sighed and threw my head back in frustration. "I just want my diary back..." Tears filled my eyes and I felt like I couldn't stand.

~At Lunch~

"Laura! Hey, Laur!" I heard someone call from behind me. I turned around and saw Rydel. (The blonde girl from the Lynch family.) "Hey, Del." I smiled and sat down at a table with her. "So um, I kinda wanted to apologize for Ross' behavior early. He's a jerk, really. And he shouldn't have treated you like that. I promise I'll do everything I can to get your diary back." She smiled sympathetically. I nodded and smiled a little, "Thank you, that means a lot."

"So, besides all that, how've you been?" Rydel smiled. "Pretty good, you?" I replied. "Eh, my boyfriend recently cheated on me though." Rydel sighed, looking at her lap. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, Delly! You deserve way better!" I hugged her quick. Rydel sighed and smiled sadly. "You know, Parker knows this guy. His name's Ellington. We call him Ratliff though. He's really sweet, and I think you guys would be good together. I could maybe give him a call and tell him about you." I smiled, trying to brighten her mood. "Can I see a picture of him?" She asked. I nodded and pulled my phone out, then showed her a picture of him. She smiled at it. "He's cute. Can you maybe talk to him?" She smiled nervously.

I smiled and nodded, "I'll call him now."

Author's Notes: I know this chapter wasn't super good. 😂😋 But still, it's a filler. Trust me, it'll get better 😋💕 Comment for more!

QUESTION TIME: Do you think Laura will find love? Isn't Hanna adorable? Will Ratliff and Rydel work out? And will Ross give the diary back, and when?

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