The Bad Boy Stole My Diary
A Raura Fanfiction
Chapter Thirteen: Hangovers & Makeovers.
~Tuesday~I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache and the feeling I was gonna throw up any second. Everything felt distorted and messy; I didn't know what was going on or where I was.
I opened my eyes slowly, mustering up the courage to look around. I turned over, laying on my back. Once my vision had returned a bit, I saw that Ross was above me and we were in the living room. Once my vision returned a bit more, I could tell my head was in his lap, and he wasn't asleep.
"Morning, sunshine," He chuckled, once he noticed I was awake.
I mumbled a profanity, carefully sitting up and running a hand through my hair.
"Drink this, it's good for hangovers." He handed me a glass.
I couldn't quite tell what it was, but I gulped it down anyway. My throat burned, but he was right; the pain slowly was going away.
"What happened last night..." I mumbled lightly, laying my head back in his lap and groaning lightly.
He laughed again, "Well, let's just say you don't take alcohol too well."
"What did I do...?"
"You started off well, but by the third drink, you got a little messy."
"How so?"
He went on to explain how I got giggly and did some... Well, some things I don't exactly want to explain.
After he finished explaining and I finished blushing, I asked quietly, "Why aren't you hungover...?"
"Once you got, um, messy, I stopped drinking so I'd be sober enough to stop you." He kissed my forehead, then mumbled again, "Plus, I take alcohol much better than you do."
I rolled my eyes playfully, smiling softly for a few seconds, "I need to take a shower."
"Do you want me to take you up there?"
I nodded quickly, reaching up to him.
He chuckled and slowly sat me up, then picked me up bridal style and began carrying me upstairs.
Once we reached the bathroom, he carefully set me down, but kept a hand on my waist, "Laur, why don't you take a bath? You can barely stand."
"Fine, but if I fall asleep and drown, it's your fault." I grumbled, opening the curtain.
I tried to turn on the water, but Ross grabbed my waist and lifted me onto the counter.
He started the water instead, plugging the drain and putting in the bubble soap. He even lit a few candles.
"Thank you," I said quietly, smiling a little.
He nodded, kissing the top of my head. He made sure I was alright, then went back downstairs.
I sighed softly, hopping off the counter and shutting the door.
I felt beyond tired, and I just wanted to crawl under my blankets and sleep all day. My body felt icky, and I knew I needed to take a shower or a bath to get away from that feeling.
I stripped down carefully and climbed into the tub, laying down.
I started thinking about the whole situation at hand. It was Tuesday. And the bet ended on Friday. That meant I only had four days left, counting today.