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While driving, Lu Shiqi surreptitiously looked at Lin Musen, and found that the other party had been looking out the window indifferently, although he didn't know why he felt that the other party was angry. At the traffic light, Lu Shiqi finally couldn't help it: "What's wrong? I'm angry. It's all my fault. Next time we don't go to Dingsheng for dinner, I never thought I would meet that scumbag. "Although she said that, she knew that she would meet wherever she went. Following Lin Musen, at first glance, it is unpredictable.

    "No." Dolphin, am I angry because of this?

    "That's fine." No, why are you in a bad mood? Obviously! Lu Shiqi did not dare to say this sentence, curled his lips, watched the red light turned green, started the car and mumbled, "If you don't have it, I don't care. I don't care about you."

    "Are you familiar with Ye Ruoxue?" Lin Musen finished. Feeling full of resentment in my tone, I added the sentence "Wang Batian is not a good person, don't walk too close to Ye Ruoxue"

    "Well, I'm actually not familiar with her, I just feel that she is very nice." Lu Shi Qibian replied while driving.

    "The person is good, she treats you well or I treat you well." Lin Musen was really angry.

    "Uh, it can't be compared, she has a good personality, you are..." Lu. The head is missing a string. Seventeen was interrupted by Lin Musen before he finished speaking.

    "You mean that I have a bad personality." Lu Qiqi shivered in a cold tone.

    The fool knows what to answer, "Of course not, my fairy has a great personality, in my heart you are 10,000 times stronger than Ye Ruoxue."

    "Perfunctory." Lin Musen said so, but he felt very comfortable in his heart, with a hint of smile in his tone.

    Seeing the other party's mood improved, Lu Shiqi also relaxed a lot. I began to think about ways to protect Lin Musen. Let Lin Musen go out with more bodyguards and look at it. Let's not say that Lin Musen disagrees, and also don't worry about it. The efficiency of work is too low. I can't help but go out to work. Slowly he drove to his destination. Lu Shiqi hadn't thought of a way. Every time he thought of one, he would quickly veto it.

    The light outlines her thin figure, the straight posture, the head that has never been underneath, as if all the burden can not overwhelm her, alas, it is always so distressing. Seeing that Lin Musen was about to walk to the door, Lu Shiqi said, "Hey, fairy, that...I will be your full-time driver from now on."

    Lin Musen paused, turned around slowly, and straightened. Looking at Lu Shiqi, the two met, and the other blushed and lowered his head.

    I didn’t see Lin Musen's reaction for a long time. For fear that the other party would refuse, Lu Shiseven got out of the car and walked quickly to Lin Musen's eyes. Looking at each other with piercing eyes seemed to be more sincere: "I'm serious, I When I was picking you up today, there was a green Lamborghini with a sloppy bag and has been following us since we left your company. It was a scumbag, and it was directed at you at first sight. He was unscrupulous and he was uneasy and kind to you. You didn’t even see the way he looked at you." A

    warm current flowed through Lin Musen’s heart, and she really felt that she had picked up a treasure. She looked at Lu Shiqi softly and said softly: "You will protect me, yes. ?"

    It is the first time that Lu Shiqi, who is heartless and heartless, knows what shyness is: "When... Of course, so... That's why I will be your full-time driver. With me, that scumbag will not succeed. of. "

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