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Hearing what Lin Musen said, Lu Shiqi was stunned, what is it! I thought it was... the nervousness and shyness in my heart suddenly disappeared, but I still took off my shirt neatly and obediently.

    Yu Jing slender, white collarbone, mellow sweet shoulder ...... perennial trees forest cold face suddenly a red, snapped to: "Come turn around, let me look at your back hurt."

    Lu seventeen Dungan I'm wronged, is this... disgusted? Lu Shiqi lowered his head and turned around with a small mouth.

    Lu Shiqi's skin is very white, so the big bruise on her back is particularly obvious.

    Lin Musen couldn't help but stretched out his hand and touched it lightly. The cold and warm touches mingled with each other. The two trembled at the same time. Lin Musen quickly retracted his hand and hurriedly dropped a sentence: "Wait a minute, I'll get the medicine." Then he went out. .

    It didn't take long for Lin Musen to come in with the medicine. Without looking at Lu Shiqi, he whispered, "Get down."

    Lu Shiqi was lying on Lin Musen's bed gently, rubbing his cold fingers on his injured back. Ointment, Lu Shiqi felt all over her body softened, and she quietly turned her head and looked at Lin Musen.

    Lin Musen’s eyes were serious and deep. He gently spread the ointment on Lu Shiqi’s back, cautiously and with pity, Lu Shiqi felt a warm current gushing from the bottom of his heart and through his whole body, numb and numb. of.

    "Wait a minute to put on your clothes." When the painting was finally finished, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. After they were relieved, a faint sense of loss filled their hearts.

    After a while, Lu Shiqi couldn't bear this mysterious silence, and asked a little curiously: "Lin Musen, don't you ask why I was injured?"

    "I asked, can you tell the truth? "Lin Musen looked at the moonlight outside the window and asked softly.

    Lu Shishi silently buried his head in the pillow, and stopped talking. The pillow also seemed to have the fragrance of Lin Musen's body, which made Lu Shiqi's thoughts fly.

    After a while, Lu Shiqi sat up and looked at Lin Musen and said seriously: "Wood, I will never harm you. As long as you want to know, I will not hide anything from you."

    "I went to beat Xu Zhaohui yesterday evening. He should have broken his hand, and I also beat him hard on the abdomen. I don’t know if it hurts anything. Do you think I’m too vicious and hateful. Me! Don't blame me..."

    Lu Shiqi pitifully took the initiative to confess, and was interrupted by Lin Musen before he finished speaking.

    "Are you an idiot? What if he calls the police!"

    Lin Musen became anxious all of a sudden, Lu Shiqi was startled, and saw Lin Musen lose his temper for the first time.

    A group of Seventeens of Lu Counsel was stunned for a while, lowered his head and retorted in a low voice, "I have a good disguise, he can't recognize it, and there is no monitoring there. I lost my stuff when I ran out. Fool."

    The grievances in that voice overflowed.

    Lin Musen sighed and touched Lu Shiqi's head helplessly: "Don't do this next time."

    Feeling the touch on his head, Lu Shiqi rubbed like a little milk dog, and happily replied: " Um! Then I... can I sleep with you today? You think it’s eleven o’clock. It’s not safe to go home. I’m afraid, okay!”

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