Chapter one

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Casey's pov:

I groaned as the sunlight peeked through the window into my eye. Waking up is the worst part of the day in, my opinion. Though my experience was brightened by the sight of Izzie while was cuddled into my side. For her, the sun highlighted her chiseled features.

It had been a while since I started dating Izzie. Well sort of. I hadn't exactly asked her to officially be my girlfriend yet. I desperately wanted to, but I could never find the right moment. All I could think about was how amazing it would be to call Izzie mine. My thoughts were then interrupted by Izzie stirring against me.

"Morning beautiful," She said just above a whisper. "Hey Iz, did I wake you up?" I responded. "Nope." She stated plainly as she bent up to kiss me. Even though we kissed everyday, each kiss ignited a feeling in me that I couldn't explain. Damn I love this woman. Unfortunately, our tender moment was interrupted by my door swinging open.

"Good morning girls, I'm headed out for the morning," beamed Elsa, "Jeez Elsa dont you know how to knock?" I practically yelled which brought a giggle out of Izzie. "Hi Mrs Gardner," said Izzie, quietly. "I'll be out for quite a while, so no funny business. And the door stays OPEN casey." warned Elsa in a way that made me want to slam the door in her face. "Okay whatever bye!" I exclaimed as I forced her out of the room. I turned around to see Izzie looking at her phone with an unreadable expression on her face.

"Iz, what's up?" I questioned. "Apparently my mom showed up again this morning and is terrorizing my grandma." She sighed looking defeated. "Oh crap, I can drive you to check on them if you want." She smiled gratefully and pecked my cheek before going to take a shower. 30 minutes later, we were speeding to her grandma's apartment.

Izzie's pov:

After a car ride which seemed to take forever, we finally got to my grandma's apartment building. We barely got to her door before we heard fighting. Presumably between my grandma and my deadbeat mother.

"Oh well excuse me for taking in YOUR children while you were off doing lord knows what!"
"Don't start with me Maria, just hand them over."

My body tensed up as I froze in place. But the feeling of Casey squeezing my hand was enough to snap me back to reality. I ran forward to stop the chaos. "Hey hey hey, what's going on here?" I shouted to get their attention. "Oh isabella, you're here, please tell your grandmother to stop this nonsense and give me your siblings." Said my mother coldly. "Nonsense?! What's nonsensical is you abandoning your kids for 3 weeks at a time and causing a bunch of mayhem!" I spat, angrily. "Who taught you to speak to me like that?" she exl claimed with a horrified look on her face. "You know what, I wont deal with this disrespect." She said before stompig off.

Once she left, I immediately turned my attention to my grandma. "Gramma, are you ok?" I asked with concern. "I'm fine sweetie, you should probably leave your siblings here for a bit though. They might be safer than they'd be at your house." She stated. I'm so grateful for her. Shes been more of a mother to me than anyone.

"Oh my, is that Casey?" Said gramma, gesturing in Casey's direction. Then casey jogged over to say hi. "Hey Maria, how's it hanging?" She said smoothly. "I'm doing good mija, would you like to see izzie's siblings" replied gramma. "I'd love to." And just like that, the bodies of three children came into view. Daniel (13), José (8), and Luisa (5). "Greetings casey." Said Daniel holding out his hand. Then they had a long discussion about anime which I didnt really understand, but it was cute to see her getting along with my family. Once we said our goodbyes we went back to the car.

As I sat in the passenger seat I noticed that casey had a stupid grin on her face. "What's up newton?" I asked. "Lets go get slurpees." She said confidently. I couldn't help but smile as she started driving.

Thanks so much for reading, if you like it I'll definitely put put more chapters.

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