Chapter twenty-two

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Izzie's pov:

"PUSH GIRLS FINISH THE LAP!" Crowley yelled as we cleared a practice run.

I almost collapsed when I got to the end and fell to my knees. It took me forever to catch my breath. Crowley ended practice and dismissed us before walking off. I laid on my back panting heavily until Casey jogged over to me laughing.

"You'll never catch your breath in that position, you know."

"Let me be."

She grabbed my arm and violently pulled me up. I was about to say something but she kissed me before I could. Unsurprisingly, I forgot what I was mad about in two seconds.

"Let's gooo, I'm starving." She whined tugging my arm.

I held her hand and turned to her. "Well where do you wanna go?"

"What if we get a pizza and some slurpees?"

"I'm down if I can get twizzlers." A huge smile spread across my face.

We picked up a pizza from Don's (luckily no Evan) and left it in the car as we walked into a 7/11. I got my twizzlers while Casey went to get slurpees. I walked to the till to get rung up for the twizzlers and the guy was trying to flirt the whole time. And he was pretty bad at it.

I decided to shorten this encounter because:
A) I'm gay
B) I already have the best girlfriend ever
C) He looked like a fuckboy and it was making me uncomfy.

"Look, I get what you're doing but unfortunately for you I have a girlfriend who is right there." I said pointing to Casey.

"Oh I didn't- I'm sorry-" he stumbled over his words blushing profusely.

Casey walked over with the drinks and looked from me to the cashier with a confused look on her face. Apparently she put two and two together because she opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. She raised an eyebrow as she put the drinks on the counter.

"That'll be $4.25." The cashier croaked in a small voice.

Casey furrowed her eyebrows and put the money on the counter. She held my twizzlers and her slurpee before I held her hand so we could leave the store. All the way to the car, she had a strained look on her face.

Casey's pov:

I wasn't jealous or anything, I knew that Izzie was mine. It was just really awkward having a random guy flirt with my girlfriend. I'd zoned out in the car but I was snapped out of it by Izzie's voice.

"Baby are you okay?" I turned and saw her staring at me with concern.

"What? Oh I'm good, I just zoned out."

"You sure? You've been acting really weird since..... since that guy flirted with me. Omg are you jealous?"

She had a "I figured it out" look on her face, although her conclusion was very wrong. I didn't really like people openly flirting with her but I'm not the jealous type.

"Not at all." I smiled at her.

"You totally are."

"Nope, because unlike you I know you won't leave me for a 7/11 cashier."

"How do you know that?" She joked trying to catch me off guard.

"Because you're mine, duh."


"You heard me."

Before I could say anything else, Izzie pressed a warm kiss on my lips. When she pulled away I couldn't stop myself from grinning. She put her forehead against mine and sighed.

"I guess I am."

After we ate, we made out. A lot. We were unfortunately interrupted by my phone ringing. It was a group FaceTime.

"Yo, theres a party at my place tonight, are you guys coming?" Nate asked.

"You know I'll be there." Quinn said matter-of-factly.

"Count me in." Sharice beamed.

"We'll be there." Izzie chimed in.

"So will we." Penelope and Hazel said at the same time.

"Dope, see you guys in a few hours."

I hung up the call and looked at Izzie. She looked back at me as I ran my hand down my face. She squeezed my hand as I sighed. I guess we were going to a party.

Izzie's pov:

It was weird to be at Nate's house considering that Casey beat his ass the last time we were here. Funny, but weird. Casey kissed the back of my hand and looked into my eyes. Her smile was contagious.

"Come on, it'll be fun." She smiled pulling me along. I hoped that she was right as I stepped into Nate's massive living room.

There were kids all over the living room. Some had even spilled out into the backyard. It was much bigger than I'd expected and I started to get nervous. Casey squeezed my hand and pecked my lips before she started to mingle with other party guests. It was cute how quickly she adjusted to new environments.

We found each other again as a familiar song played. Yoko Ono. We danced in sync much like the first time we heard this song, only this time I didn't hesitate to kiss her. Our lips melted into each other as my hand cupped her cheek. She pulled away and grinned at me before leaving to get a drink. I danced for a bit with no sign of Casey.

"Hey stranger." I heard Penelope call me.

"Hey guys" I said, walking over to them.

"Where have you been? It's like Casey stole you from us." Hazel said with a fake pout.

"I guess I have been kind of preoccupied." I laughed nervously.

"Relax, I'm kidding. I don't expect you to put us over your relationship."

I sighed in relief as Penelope looked around curiously. "Hey where's Casey anyway?"

"I don't know. I should probably go find her."

I walked off before they could say anything else. I needed to find my girlfriend. I walked into every room downstairs to no avail. Negative thoughts flooded in as I decided to check some bedrooms. That's where I found Casey vomiting into a trash can.

"Oh, hi Iz." She said looking up slightly.

"What happened?" I bent to push her hair out of her face.

"Remind me to never drink anything that Quinn gives me. That shit had four different drinks AND sparkling water in it."

I giggled as I held Casey's hair back so she could puke. I kissed the top of her head when it looked like she was done.

"I feel like shit, can we leave?"


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