Chapter Nine

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Casey's pov:

I was a mixture of confused, angry and disappointed. Of all the people I'd expect that shitty behavior from, Evan wasn't one of them. For about 10 minutes I just sat in the driveway. I wasn't sure whether to cry, scream or just sit in silence. My mind started to wander idly as i stared out of the window but my thinking was disrupted by Sam tapping on the window.

"Are you coming inside or what?" he asked with a concerned look on his face.

"Yeah just give me a minute." I sighed in response, slumping further down into the driver's seat. 

Sam shrugged and walked back into the house as I let out an exhausted sigh. The big thought that plagued my mind was how I would tell Izzie what happened. That is, if i wanted to tell her at all. I was worried about what she might say and she most likely already had a lot on her plate. The last thing i wanted was to be a burden. However, the universe clearly decided for me, because soon my phone rang and it was none other than Izzie.

"Hey Newton." she said sounding deflated.

"Hi, what's wrong?" I asked, becoming concerned.

"It's my mom, she's disappeared again and left the kids with me." she groaned frustratingly.

I furrowed my eyebrows and told her I'd be right there before pulling out of the driveway. As I drove up to Izzie's house, I saw her sitting on the porch crying and my heart broke. I parked on the street and sprinted up to her as fast as I could.

Izzie's pov:

I heard footsteps and looked up to see Casey running up the path. A lump formed in my throat as she wrapped me in a hug and I broke down sobbing in her arms. She slowly ran her hand down my head and kissed the top of it. Then she lifted my face to look me in the eyes.

"Tell me what happened," she asked drying my tears with her thumbs.

I began to explain the events of the afternoon and the sympathetic look on Casey's face slowly became angry. I couldn't blame her, my mom sucks. I don't even know why she had kids if she was just going to neglect us.

"She's just such horrible person," I sighed once I had regained some composure. "I hate when she does this, all it does is make everyone stressed."

"Well what can I do to help?" she asked with a soft smile.

I sighed and returned the smile with my own, "Well, you can help me get José and Luisa to my grandma's house."

She nodded and pressed a kiss on my lips before pulling me up. We walked into the house to find Daniel pacing the living room. He was mumbling to himself and it really made me concerned. He didn't even notice us as we walked in. I walked over to him and grabbed his shoulders to make him stop.

"Oh, Izzie, I didn't hear you guys come in." he said, sounding out of breath.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, still firmly gripping his shoulders.

"Not at all," he swallowed hard, "I'm just so stressed out."

"Its okay to be stressed." I said rubbing his back.

"Yeah," interjected Casey, "You're not alone dude, Izzie and I have alway got your back."

That just made him sigh louder and he flopped face first onto the couch so we decided to give him some space and go get my other siblings. When we got to Luisa's room, she was asleep and José was on the end of her bed playing Mario Kart. We quietly went to the closet to start packing a bag for Luisa when I felt José tap my arm. He asked if were taking them to grandma's house and I had no choice but to tell him the truth. He huffed loudly which made Luisa wake up. I turned to Casey and sighed.

"Newton, can you please keep them busy while i pack bags?" I pleaded as she looked at me.

"Of course I can." she said smiling widely.

I smiled back and kissed her cheek which got a few fake gags from my siblings. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room, praying that I'd come back to everything in one piece.

Casey's pov:

I have no idea how to deal with kids. I only said that so Izzie would think I could handle anything. Truth be told, I could not. I slowly walked over to the bed and carefully sat down next to José. okay Casey, you've got this, its just kids. I thought, trying to calm my nerves.

"Heyyyyy little dude," I started nervously, "Whatcha playing?"

"Mario Kart." he said bluntly, smashing the buttons on his nintendo switch.

"Cool, cool." I said, looking at the ceiling.

José was surprisingly scary for an eight year old. He just had this energy which said 'leave me alone'. Unlike Daniel, he wasn't very friendly and had a short temper.
"Listen Casey, just because you're dating my sister doesn't mean you have to pretend you like me." he sighed, not looking up from the screen.

"What??" I gasped taken aback. "I genuinely wanna get to know you dude."

"Seriously?" he asked, genuinely surprised.

 I nodded and he showed me what he was doing and we just talked for a bit. Then Luisa crawled over and sat in my lap to watch him play too. Maybe kids aren't so bad after all.

I apologize for the shitty quality, I literally wrote this in class. Lmk if you like it I guess.


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